- Amadou Cheiffou
Amadou Cheiffou (born
December 1 1942 Cherif Ouazani, [http://www.jeuneafrique.com/jeune_afrique/article_afrique_dossier.asp?art_cle=LIN07114sixcaliuetu0&dos_id=91 "Six candidats pour un fauteuil"] , Jeuneafrique.com, November 7, 2004 fr icon.] ) is aNiger ien politician. He was the country's Prime Minister from26 October 1991 Marie-Soleil Frère, "Presse et démocratie en Afrique francophone", Karthala Editions, page 117 fr icon.] "Oct 1991 - NIGER:Elections", Keesing's Record of World Events, Volume 37, October, 1991 Niger, Page 38520.] to17 April 1993 .Cheiffou is an ethnic PeulhMyriam Gervais, "Niger: Regime Change, Economic Crisis, and Perpetuation of Privilege", in "Political Reform in Francophone Africa" (1997), ed. John F. Clark and David E. Gardinier, pages 96 and 107 (note 23).] and was born in
Kornaka , inMaradi Department . Prior to becoming Prime Minister, Cheiffou worked inDakar as a representative of theInternational Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for Central and West Africa. He was a delegate for the Association of Nigeriens Abroad at the 1991 National Conference; at the Conference, he was the compromise choice for the position of Prime Minister, although he was opposed by the delegates representing the government, and was elected on26 October . His selection as Prime Minister was aided by his political inexperience and lack of association with the old regime ofSeyni Kountché andAli Saibou . Cheiffou headed the transitional government that served from 1991 to 1993, during the transitional period leading to multiparty elections. He also served as Minister of National Defense during this period. [ [http://www.presidence.ne/PagesHtm/GouvTransitionCheffou.htm "GOUVERNEMENTS DE LA TRANSITION DE CHEFFOU AMADOU"] , Nigerien presidency website fr icon.]As of 2002, Cheiffou was the ICAO's Regional Director for its Western and Central African Office. [ [http://www.icao.int/icao/en/ro/wacaf/apirg/2002/afi-ats1/Summary_en.pdf "First Meeting of the AFI Air Traffic Services Providers"] , icao.int, November 26–28, 2002.]
Cheiffou was vice-president of the Democratic and Social Convention-Rahama (CDS) before splitting with that party and its president,
Mahamane Ousmane , and creating his own party, theSocial Democratic Rally (RSD-Gaskiya), in January 2004. [ [http://www.afrique-express.com/archive/OUEST/niger/pol/286cassureauseindu.htm "Cassure au sein du parti de Mahamane Ousmane, Amadou Cheiffou crée son propre parti"] , "Afrique Express", N° 286,January 20 ,2004 fr icon.] In the presidential election held on16 November 2004 , Cheiffou placed fourth out of six candidates, winning 6.35% of the vote. [ [http://www.angolapress-angop.ao/noticia-e.asp?ID=298087 "Tandja, Issoufou for round two polling in Niger"] , AngolaPress,November 20 ,2004 .] He was elected to the National Assembly in the December 2004 parliamentary election as an RSD candidate in Maradi constituency. [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20050213002952/www.assemblee.ne/circons/circ_ord.htm List of deputies elected in the 2004 election by constituency] , National Assembly website (2005 archive page) fr icon.]References
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