

Gama has multiple meanings:

*Gama (Brazil), a satellite city of Brasília, located in the Brazilian Distrito Federal.:*Sociedade Esportiva do Gama, football club seated in Gama, DF.
*Gama, Cundinamaraca, in Colombia
*Gama, Senegal
*Gama Toys
*Gama, a Korean litter carried and moved by servants
*Raul Vasquez Gama fallen police officer

*Gama (Naruto), the mount of Jiraiya in the anime Naruto from the Gama family of toad ninja animal summonings
*Gama Goat vehicle


*The Great Gama, a famous wrestler from Punjab
*Gama Singh (b. 1954), Canadian wrestler
*Rustam-e-zaman Gama Pahelvan, "The Great Gama," a famous wrestler from Punjab
*Luís da Gama, early 17th-century Portuguese patron; husband of Maria Rolim da Gama
*Maria Rolim da Gama, early 17th-century Portuguese, wife of Luís da Gama
*Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer, one of the most successful in the European Age of Discovery, and the first person to sail directly from Europe to India.

"As an acronym:"

* GAMA, GLCM Alert & Maintenance Area, a hi-security site for storage of ground launched cruise missiles.
* GAMA, Game Manufacturers Association, a non-profit trade association dedicated to the advancement of the hobby games industry
* GAMA, Global Arbitration Mediation Association, Inc. First on-line ADR forum established in 1995 by TK Read.
* GAMA, Gaels Against Munster Association. Organization set up by Tipperary hurling fans to curb the popularity of the Munster Rugby team amongst GAA fans.
* GAMA, General Aviation Manufacturers Association. An organization devoted to safeguarding the growth and vitality of the general aviation industry.
* GAMA, Grand Avenue Merchants Association. And Association of Arts, Culture and Small Businesses located on Grand Avenue in downtown, Phoenix Arizona, 85007
* GAMA, General Ability Measure for Adults. A non-verbal assessment of an individual's general intellectual ability.

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  • Gama — Gama, Vasco da, berühmter portug. Seefahrer, Entdecker des Seewegs nach Ostindien, geb. um 1469 in Sines, einer kleinen Seestadt der Provinz Alemtejo, gest. 24. Dez. 1524, wurde im Juli 1497 vom König Manuel d. Gr. mit drei Schiffen von Lissabon… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • gama — s. f. 1. Fêmea do gamo; corça. 2. Série das sete notas musicais; escala. 3.  [Figurado] Escala, sucessão, série de ideias, teorias, cores, etc. • s. m. 4. Letra grega correspondente ao nosso G. 5. Raios gama, radiações emitidas pelos corpos… …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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  • Gama [1] — Gama, 1) Vasco de G., geb. in Sines in der Provinz Alemtejo; wurde 9. Juli 1497 vom König Emanuel ausgesandt, den Weg nach Ostindien um das Cap weiter zu verfolgen. Er dollführte mit 4 Schiffen u. 160 Mann glücklich den Auftrag u. kam, nachdem er …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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