Blunt — NOTOC Blunt can refer to several things: People Blunt (or Blount) is a common surname of English derivation, meaning blonde, fair (Old French blund ), or dull (Middle English blunt, blont ) * Lady Anne Blunt (1837 1917), English horsebreeder;… … Wikipedia
blunt — [blunt] adj. [ME < ?] 1. slow to perceive, feel, or understand; dull 2. having a dull edge or point; not sharp 3. plain spoken and abrupt vt. 1. to make (an edge or point) dull 2. to make dull or insensitive … English World dictionary
blunt — bluntly, adv. bluntness, n. /blunt/, adj., blunter, bluntest, v., n. adj. 1. having an obtuse, thick, or dull edge or point; rounded; not sharp: a blunt pencil. 2. abrupt in address or manner: a blunt, ill timed question. 3. slow in perception or … Universalium
blunt — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English Date: 13th century 1. a. slow or deficient in feeling ; insensitive b. obtuse in understanding or discernment ; dull 2. having an edge or point that is not sharp < a blunt instrument > … New Collegiate Dictionary
blunt — {{11}}blunt (adj.) c.1200, dull, obtuse, perhaps from or related to O.N. blundra (see BLUNDER (Cf. blunder)). Of tools or weapons, late 14c. Meaning abrupt of speech or manner is from 1580s. {{12}}blunt (n.) street slang for marijuana and tobacco … Etymology dictionary
blunt — n a marihuana cigarette, joint. This term, fashionable in the USA and the UK since the early 1990s, originally referred to a cigar hollowed out and filled with a com bination of cannabis and cocaine. We prefer to spark up a blunt and kick back … Contemporary slang
blunt — Noun. A marijuana/cannabis cigarette. More specifically, especially in the U.S., a blunt is marijuana rolled in the outer leaves of a cigar … English slang and colloquialisms
blunt — adjective 1》 lacking a sharp edge or point. ↘having a flat or rounded end. 2》 uncompromisingly forthright in manner. verb 1》 make or become less sharp. 2》 weaken or reduce the force of. noun black slang a hollowed out cigar filled with… … English new terms dictionary
Philadelphia blunt ban — Philadelphia Bill No. 060345, colloquially known as the Philadelphia blunt ban, was an ordinance in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which banned the retail sale of any item where the seller knows, or under the circumstances reasonably should know that … Wikipedia
joint — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. connection, link, juncture; articulation; slang, dive, den, haunt, hangout. See junction, abode. adj. combined, shared, common [to both parties]. See party. II (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. common, shared … English dictionary for students