Sonda (rocket)

Sonda (rocket)

Sonda is a type of Brazilian-built sounding rockets in the VLS ("Veiculo Lancador de Satelites.") family.

*The Sonda 1 is a double stage rocket with a maximum flight altitude of 65 km, a liftoff thrust of 27 kN a total mass of 100 kg, a diameter of 11 cm and a length of 4.5 metres. It was launched 9 times between 1965 and 1966.
*Sonda 3 is a double stage rocket available in two versions, the Sonda 3 and the Sonda 3M1. Both rockets have a maximum flight altitude of 600 km, a liftoff Thrust of 102.00 kN, a diameter of 0.30 m and a length of 8.00 m. However Sonda 3 weighs 1500 kg while Sonda 3 M1 weighs 1400 kg at launch. It was launched 27 times between 1976 and 2002.
*Sonda 4 is a double stage rocket with a maximum flight altitude of 800 km, a liftoff Thrust of 203.00 kN, a total Mass of 7200 kg, a diameter of 1.01 m and a length of 11.00 m. It was launched 7 times between 1984 and 1990.
*The Sonda 2 is a single stage rocket with a maximum flight altitude of 180 km, a Liftoff Thrust of 36.00 kN, a total mass of 400 kg, a core Diameter of 0.30 m and a total Length of 5.60 m. It was launched 7 times between 1990 and 1996.

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