

Infobox Software
name = JavaCC

caption =
developer =
latest release version = 4.1
latest release date = August 17, 2008
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
operating system =
platform = Java Virtual Machine
genre = parser/scanner generator
license = BSD
website =

JavaCC (Java Compiler Compiler) is an open source parser generator for the Java programming language. JavaCC is similar to Yacc in that it generates a parser for a formal grammar provided in EBNF notation, except the output is Java source code. Unlike Yacc, however, JavaCC generates top-down parsers, which limits it to the LL(k) class of grammars (in particular, left recursion cannot be used). The tree builder that accompanies it, JJTree, constructs its trees from the bottom up.

JavaCC is licensed under a BSD license.


In 1996, Sun Microsystems released a parser generator called "Jack". The developers responsible for "Jack" created their own company called Metamata and changed the "Jack" name to JavaCC. Metamata eventually became part of WebGain. After WebGain shut down its operations, JavaCC was moved to its current home.

ee also


External links

* [ Official JavaCC web site]
* [ JavaCC Tutorial]
* [ JavaCC FAQ]
* [ A JavaCC book - Generating Parsers with JavaCC]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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