

infobox catalan city


demonym=Calellenc, calellenca
mayor=Josep Maria Juhé i Mas

Calella is a tourist town on the Costa del Maresme, 56 km from Barcelona, in Catalonia, Spain.

It is famous for its hosting of the Calella Universities European Championships.


infobox catalan city demography

Since 2001 Calella has hosted CalellaFest, a sports festival for UK students. Organised by Teamlink Travel Ltd the event takes place in Spring (the 2008 dates are 30th March to 5th April) with over 2000 undergraduates taking part.

Famous residents

Jaume Marxuach i Flaquer (Barcelona, 1906 - Calella, 1966) was a Catalan lawyer and writer who did much to make Calella's traditions and history known to the wider world, he also did much to stimulate tourism in Calella.Fact|date=June 2008 He was related to the influential Flaquer Barraquer family and demonstrated since a young age a keen interest in the history of his adopted town. He collaborated with the magazine "Recull de Blanes" until 1933 when the prestigious weekly "Cap-Aspre" was created, a publication which always sought to promote Catalan nationalism. Jaume Marxuach left Calella in 1936 only to return three years later. In September 1956 he founded the newspaper "Estela." In addition to these activities, Marxuach was responsible for starting the "secció excursionista" (tourist bureau) of Calella, as well as the Philatelic Circle and the Museu Arxiu Muncipal (archive-museum). In 1940 he revived the tradition of the Sardana, which had been lost during the Spanish Civil War.Fact|date=June 2008 A monument was erected in his memory in Calella's central plaza. []

Novelists and Lords of Gloucestershire Adam Wilcox and Stephen Timmins both have holiday homes in Calella that are half-owned by Talia Shire, who played Rocky's wife Adrian in the blockbuster Rocky movies.


Calella is awarded with the European quality Blue Flag. Calella beach ( length:2180m, width: 65; fine white sand) is a spacious and popular beach, with clear waters and moderate waves. It is quieter along its southern stretch.

Sister cities

* Maesteg, Unofficial.


* Panareda Clopés, Josep Maria; Rios Calvet, Jaume; Rabella Vives, Josep Maria (1989). "Guia de Catalunya", Barcelona:Caixa de Catalunya. ISBN 84-87135-01-3 (Spanish). ISBN 84-87135-02-1 (Catalan).

*"Calella típica II : pàgines viscudes calellenques" - Josep Andreu y Gay, Josep Esteve Bartrina i Vilaró, Jaume Marxuach i Flaquer ; recopilació de Lluis Campeny i Coll (Catalan). []

External links

* [ Official website] ca
* [ Information - Generalitat de Catalunya] ca
* [ Statistical information - Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya] ca
* [ Historic and artistic heritage] ca
* [ Museu-Arxiu Municipal de Calella]
* [ Calella Circulo Philatelic]
* [ Calella Accommodation]
* [ CalellaFest]
* [ Calella Travel Guide]
* [ The official website for tourism in Spain]
* [ Discrepàncies polítiques per batejar la plaça del Cala i Cisne.] ca

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