- Ji Shengde
Ji Shengde (姬勝德) was a
major-general in charge ofmilitary intelligence in thePeople's Liberation Army of thePeople's Republic of China until June 1999 when he was removed from his post after being implicated in a smuggling scandal centered on theFujian port ofXiamen . Originally Ji was sentenced to death by PresidentJiang Zemin in mid-2000, but a compromise sentence of 20 years in jail was eventually reached.Wo-Lap Lam, Willy, [http://archives.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/asiapcf/east/05/15/china.willy.column/index.html "How China retreats to attack"] , "CNN .com",May 15 ,2001 ]U.S.
Democratic National Committee fund-raiserJohnny Chung testified beforeU.S. Congress in May 1999 that Ji gave him $300,000 American dollars to donate to the Democratic Party.Holman, Kwame, [http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/congress/jan-june99/chung_5-11.html "The Price of Access"] , "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer ", Transcript, "PBS ",May 11 ,1999 ] }Ji is the son of the late
Ji Pengfei who wasforeign minister in 1972 when U.S. PresidentRichard Nixon visited China.Derbyshire, John, [http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/comment072700c.html "Lips and Teeth"] , "National Review ",July 27 ,2000 ]References
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