

Vivisection is surgery conducted upon a living organism, typically animals with a central nervous system. A broader interpretation includes non-behavioural experimental research involving living animals. [ [ "Vivisection"] , "Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2007. Also see Croce, Pietro. "Vivisection or Science? An Investigation into Testing Drugs and Safeguarding Health". Zed Books, 1999, and [ "FAQs: Vivisection"] , British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection.] In this interpretation, the term is preferred by those opposed to research using animals, as there it implies otherwise avoidable suffering. In the scientific community, vivisection for living tissue study has been superseded by modern techniques, and the term "animal experimentation" is applied to all research involving animal studies, regardless of mortality. Non-arbitrary research requiring vivisection techniques that cannot be met through other means are subject to an external ethics review in conception and implementation. Although vivisection is restricted to cancer and other malignant disease research, the distinction between humanitarian and commercial goals remains a contentious issue. [Paixao, RL; Schramm, FR. Ethics and animal experimentation: what is debated? "Cad. Saúde Pública", Rio de Janeiro, 2007] [Yarri, Donna. "The Ethics of Animal Experimentation", Oxford University Press U.S., 2005]
*For animal experiments, see Animal testing.
*For the history of animal experiments, see History of animal testing.
*For experiments on human beings, see Human subject research.
*For the antivivisection movement, see Animal rights.


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  • vivisection — [ vivisɛksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1765; de vivi et section, d apr. dissection ♦ Opération pratiquée à titre d expérience sur des animaux vivants. ⇒ dissection. Pasteur « éprouvait une véritable répugnance pour la vivisection » (Mondor). Adversaires… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • vivisection — dissection of a living animal, 1707, from L. vivus alive (see VIVID (Cf. vivid)) + ending from DISSECTION (Cf. dissection)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • vivisection — ► NOUN ▪ the practice of performing operations on live animals for scientific research (used by those opposed to such work). DERIVATIVES vivisectionist noun & adjective vivisector noun. ORIGIN from Latin vivus living , on the pattern of… …   English terms dictionary

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