

Annulus (or anulus), being the Latin and French for "ring", is a term used to describe various ring or circle shaped objects (or openings):cite book | last = Martim de Albuquerque | first = | title = Notes and Queries | publisher = Oxford University Press | date = 1873 | location = Original from the University of Michigan | pages = Page 119 | url = | doi = | id = ] cite book | coauthors = Edward O'Reilly, John O'Donovan | title = An Irish-English Dictionary | publisher = J. Duffy | date = 1864 | location = Original from Oxford University | pages = Page 7 | url = | doi = | id = ]

* Annulus (entomology), an antennal unit in simple antennae, or a ring-like marking or structure surrounding a joint or segment.
* Annulus (Herpetology), reference to too small an opening that can be a potential death trap for a reptile that can't pass through. The size difference of the two cylindrical forms (The body of the animal vs. the circumference of the opening).
* Annulus (geology), the opening between an outer and inner cylindrical body, often used to describe the space between the well screen or drill pipe and the surface of the bore hole.
* Annulus (anatomy) refers to several structures in human anatomy. The spelling "anulus" is preferred under Terminologia Anatomica, but both spellings are commonly found. Examples include:
** Annulus fibrosus cordis, the ring-like structure on a heart valve where the valve leaflets are anchored
** Annulus fibrosus disci intervertebralis, the outer wall of the invertebral disc
** Annulus femoralis
** Annulus inguinalis superficialis
** Annulus inguinalis profundus
** Annulus tendineus communis
* Annulus (ichthyology), the annual rings that form in fish scales or bone sections
* Annulus (mycology), the "ring" on a mushroom stem
* Annulus (astronomy), the ring of light from the visible part of the photosphere seen at the greatest extent of an annular eclipse
* Annulus (cosmology), the ring around the lens on which strong gravitationally lensed images of one source appear
* Annulus (mathematics), a ring-shaped geometric figure
* Annulus (firestop), the space in a penetration seal surrounding a penetrant, i.e. between a pipe or electrical conduit, or cable and a sleeve, with or without a firestop
* Annulus (oil well), the tube shaped void between a pipe string and a surrounding pipe string or formation.
* Annulus (microscopy), a circular opening "disk" below a specimen slide, required for Phase Contrast microscopy

* Annular hurricane, a hurricane that is nearly symmetrical and takes longer to weaken than normal hurricanes.


Sharp, J. M., Jr., 1999, A Glossary of Hydrogeological Terms: The University of Texas, Austin, Texas

Principles of Contaminant Hydrogeology - Google Books Resultby Christopher M. Palmer - 1996 - Science - 256 pages

Schnirel, Brian - Leeway Corucia Research Center (LCRC), 2008 Watching for potential death traps The Official Discussion Board of the American Association of Zoo Keepers ... General discussion forum.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Annulus — (lat. anulus = der Ring) bezeichnet: Annulus (Mikroskopie), eine oktagonale elektronendichte Region der Kernhülle einer Zelle in der Elektronenmikroskopie Annulus (Muskel), ein ringförmiges Muskelfeld etwa beim Nautilus oder den Bartwürmern eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • annulus — [an′yo͞o ləs, an′yələs] n. pl. annuli [an′yo͞olī΄, an′yəlī΄] or annuluses [L annulus, for anulus: see ANNULAR] any ring or ringlike part, mark, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Annulus — An nu*lus, n.; pl. {Annuli}. [L.] 1. A ring; a ringlike part or space. [1913 Webster] 2. (Geom.) (a) A space contained between the circumferences of two circles, one within the other. (b) The solid formed by a circle revolving around a line which …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Annŭlus — (lat.), 1) überhaupt Ring; so A. piscatorĭus (Fischerring), Siegelring des Papstes, s. Fischerring; A. pronubus, Verlobungs od. Trauring; 2) (Anat.), A. abdominālis (A. inguinālis, A. orālis), der Bauchring, s.d.; A. irĭdis, Irisring, s. Auge; A …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Annŭlus — (lat.), Ring; A. piscatorius, der Fischerring des Papstes …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • annulus — (n.) 1560s, medical, from misspelling of L. anulus little ring, finger ring, a dim. of anus (see ANUS (Cf. anus)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Annulus — A ringlike structure, or any body part that is shaped like a ring. Applied to many small ring shaped structures. The base of a heart valve that supports the valve s leaflets is called the annulus. A ring shaped pancreas that encircles the… …   Medical dictionary

  • annulus — A growth zone that forms once a year; for most fish an annulus is identified as the zone that forms during a period of slow or no growth, often during the winter season (see opaque) …   Fisheries — dictionary

  • annulus — (plural annuli) a ring or rings on a fish scale or in a bony or cartilaginous structure corresponding to a year of growth. In a scale usually consists of closely arranged ridges (circuli). An accessory annulus is a ring caused by retarded or… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • annulus — n.; pl. li luses [L. annulus, ring] 1. Any ring like circling of a joint, segment, spot or mark. 2. (BRYOZOA: Phylactolaemata) The outer epidermal layer of a statoblast that encircles the protective capsule. 3. (NEMATA) The interstice area… …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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