- Green Party candidates, 1995 Ontario provincial election
Green Party of Ontario fielded several candidates in the 1995 provincial election, none of whom were elected. Information about these candidates may be found here.
=William Darfler (Brantford)=Darfler is a historian. [http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:yJ22qS_0YAcJ:www.pixelduststudios.com/OVHP_Info.pdf+%22Bill+Darfler%22&hl=en&gl=ca&ct=clnk&cd=10] He campaigned for the GPO in the 1990 and 1995 provincial elections, and is a member of the Brantford Heritage Committee
as of 2006 . [http://www.city.brantford.on.ca/content/publishing.nsf/Content/Brantford+Heritage+Committee]
=Tiina Leivo (Downsview)=Leivo was thirty-seven years old at the time of the election, and worked as a group facilitator for health food groups. She opposed subway expansion. ["Downsview riding", "Toronto Star", 1 June 1995, NY2.] She received 217 votes (0.94%), finishing fifth against Liberal candidate
Annamarie Castrilli .
=Lewis Poulin (Sudbury)=Lewis Poulin holds a
Bachelor of Science degree inPhysics fromLaurentian University (1982). ["In the news", "Laurentian", Autumn 2005.] He is ameteorologist , and has worked forEnvironment Canada over a period of several years. ["CANADA LAUNCHES ANNUAL ARCTIC OZONE RESEARCH PROJECT" [press release] , "Canada NewsWire", 23 January 1989, 14:14; Kris Axtman, "The long summer of our discontent", "Christian Science Monitor", 21 August 2000, 1.] The first Green Party candidate to run in Sudbury, he received 290 votes (0.95%) in 1995 for a sixth-place against Liberal candidateRick Bartolucci .Poulin moved to Mississauga in 1997. He was later profiled in a "
Toronto Star " piece that drew attention to the fact that he did not own a car, and walked fifteen minutes to work every day. Poulin expressed concerns about pedestrian safety in thisGreater Toronto Area community. [Jim Coyle, "Pedestrians use the streets, too", "Toronto Star", 19 March 1998, B1.] In the same period, he wrote about health safety issues caused bysmog , and advocated rooftop solar panels to generate power. [Lewis Poulin, "Some simple ideas to reduce smog" [letter] , "Toronto Star", 2 July 1999, 1; Lewis Poulin, "Solar panels on every roof" [letter] , "Toronto Star", 20 April 2000, 1.] In May 1998, he wrote a piece in support of wind power projects for economically marginal communities inNewfoundland . [Lewis Poulin, "Newfoundland's answer may be blowing in the wind" [letter] , "Toronto Star", 25 May 1998, A17.]Poulin later moved to the
Montreal community of Roxboro in 2002, and became a member of that city's Green Coaliton. In 2005, he called for tax incentives for people who take public transit. [Lewis Poulin, "Imagining solutions for better transit" [letter] , "Montreal Gazette", 13 September 2005, A26.] He also co-wrote a song lyric lamenting the end of Montreal's Cheval Blanc greenspace. ["Odes in memory of Cheval Blanc greenspace", "Montreal Gazette", 1 February 2007, F7; see also Lewis Poulin, "Road conditions make it tough on pedestrians" [letter] , "Montreal Gazette", 19 April 2007, F7, Lewis Poulin, "Cars Still Rule" [letter] , "Montreal Gazette", 7 June 2007, F7; Lewis Poulin, "Let's End Car Culture" [letter] , "Montreal Gazette", 20 October 2007, B6.]Footnotes
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