- 1991 Pulitzer Prize
The following are the
Pulitzer Prize s for1991 . The year is significant because not only were awards given for all categories, but two separate awards were given for International Reporting.Journalism awards
*Public Service:
**"Des Moines Register ", For reporting by Jane Schorer that, with the victim's consent, named a woman who had been raped --which prompt widespread reconsideration of the traditional media practice of concealing the identity of rape victims.
*Spot News Reporting:
**Staff of "Miami Herald ", For stories profiling a local cult leader, his followers, and their links to several area murders.
*Investigative Reporting:
**Joseph T. Hallinan andSusan M. Headden of "Indianapolis Star ", For their shocking series on medical malpractice in the state.
*Explanatory Journalism:
**Susan C. Faludi of "Wall Street Journal ", For a report on the leveraged buy-out of Safeway Stores, Inc., that revealed the human costs of high finance.
*Beat Reporting:
**Natalie Angier of "New York Times ", For her compelling and illuminating reports on a variety of scientific topics.
*National Reporting:
**Marjie Lundstrom andRochelle Sharpe of "Gannett News Service ", For reporting that disclosed hundreds of child abuse-related deaths go undetected each year as a result of errors by medical examiners.
*International Reporting:
**Serge Schmemann ofNew York Times , For his coverage of the reunification of Germany.
*International Reporting:
**Caryle Murphy ofWashington Post , For her dispatches from occupied Kuwait, some of which she filed while in hiding from Iraqi authorities.
*Feature Writing:
**Sheryl James of "St. Petersburg Times ", For a compelling series about a mother who abandoned her newborn child and how it affected her life and those of others.
**Jim Hoagland of "Washington Post ", For searching and prescient columns on events leading up to the Gulf War and on the political problems of Mikhail Gorbachev.
**David Shaw of "Los Angeles Times ", For his critiques of the way in which the media, including his own paper, reported the McMartin Pre-School child molestation case.
*Editorial Writing:
**Ron Casey (editor) ,Harold Jackson andJoey Kennedy of "Birmingham News ", For their editorial campaign analyzing inequities in Alabama's tax system and proposing needed reforms.
*Editorial Cartooning:
**Jim Borgman of "Cincinnati Enquirer "
*Spot News Photography:
**Greg Marinovich ofAssociated Press , For a series of photographs of supporters of South Africa's African National Congress brutally murdering a man they believed to be a Zulu spy.
*Feature Photography:
**William Snyder ofDallas Morning News , For his photographs of ill and orphaned children living in subhuman conditions in Romania.Letters awards
**"Rabbit At Rest " byJohn Updike
**"A Midwife's Tale " byLaurel Thatcher Ulrich
*Biography or Autobiography:
**"" bySteven Naifeh andGregory White Smith
**"Near Changes " byMona Van Duyn
*General Non-Fiction:
**"The Ants " byBert Holldobler andEdward O. Wilson Arts awards
**"Lost in Yonkers " byNeil Simon
**"Symphony" byShulamit Ran Commissioned by The Philadelphia Orchestra and premiered by that orchestra onOctober 19 ,1990 .External links
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.