

Infobox Film
name = Aniki-Bóbó
director = Manoel de Oliveira
producer = António Lopes Ribeiro
released = 18 December 1942
runtime = 68m
language = Portuguese
imdb_id = 0034461

Aniki-Bóbó is a 1942 Portuguese film, directed by Manoel de Oliveira. It is his first feature-length film. Mostly children, from Oliveira's hometown, Porto, play in its story. The film was not very well received, but with time it gained recognition and was finally accepted as one of the most important Portuguese films of its time. In several respects, this film seems to anticipate Italian neorealism. No other feature film was directed by Oliveira in the next 21 years.

The script was adapted by Manoel de Oliveira from a short story by José Rodrigues de Freitas, "Meninos Milionários" (lit. "Millionaire Children"). The short story is virtually unknown today.

"Aniki-Bóbó" is a rhyme from a children's game, akin to Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

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