- Throughfall
Hydrology , throughfall is the process which describes how wet leaves shed excesswater onto the ground surface. These drops have an erosive power because they are larger thanrain drops, however, if they travel a shorter distance their erosive power is reduced. In the case of a high canopy, higher then what is required for the drops to reachterminal velocity , about 8 meters, the erosive power is increased.Rates of throughfall are higher in areas of
forest where the leaves are broad-leaved, this is because the flat leaves allow water to collect. Rates of throughfall are lower inconiferous forests as conifers can only hold individual droplets of water on their needles.Throughfall can be reduced and prevented through the means of a cutback in green house emissions. It can be reduced because the main cause of throughfall is, in fact, global warming.
Concepts about Forests and Water by Gordon Stuart, and Pamela J.Edwards
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.