

Frīge (Anglo-Saxon), Friia (German), or Frea (Langobard) was a love goddess in Germanic paganism, and the wife of Wōden (Odin). In English, the weekday Friday was named after her (via the Old English frigedæg, meaning the day of Frige) in analogy with Venus.

Although the name "Frige" is most certainly Frigg, the names "Friia" and "Frea" are closer to Freia/Freya. In the last surviving and by far best known version of Germanic mythology, Norse mythology, someWho|date=September 2007 believe she had split into two related goddesses, Freyja, who was married to Odr, and Frigg, who was the wife of Odin ("Frigg" is the Old Norse form of the name "Frige", whereas "Freyja" is an unrelated noun which originally meant "lady"). This theory arises from the belief that "Freo" was indeed the same Goddess as Frige, as both have been described as "Goddess of Love" and sometimes as wife of Woden (West Germanic form of Odin).

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  • frige — FRÍGE, frig, vb. III. 1. tranz. A prepara un aliment (în special carne sau peşte) prin expunere directă la acţiunea focului (în frigare, pe grătar etc.); p. ext. a prăji în tigaie. ♢ Compus: (fam.) frige linte s.m. invar. = om avar, zgârcit,… …   Dicționar Român

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  • Frigg — (or Frigga) is a major goddess in Norse paganism, a subset of Germanic paganism. She is said to be the wife of Odin, and is the foremost among the goddesses . [Sturluson, Snorri. Prose Edda, Gylfaginning.] Frigg appears primarily in Norse… …   Wikipedia

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