cp=6th century
c=7th century
cf=8th century



By Place


* Eadbald succeeds Ethelbert as king of Kent.
* Aethelfrith of Northumbria defeats the army of Powys.
* Aethelfrith meets Rædwald and the army of East Anglia in the Battle of the River Idle, and is slain by Raedwald, which establishes his claim as Bretwalda.
* Edwin becomes king of Northumbria.
* Oswald of Northumbria flees to Iona.
* Adaloald succeeds his father Agilulf as king of the Lombards (approximate date).


* Alexandria is captured by Khosrau II of Persia.

By Topic


* The Banu Hashim clan begins to boycott Muhammad.
* A shrine on the site of the future Westminster Abbey is founded.


* Grimoald the Elder, Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia


* February 24 — Ethelbert, king of Kent and Bretwalda
* Aethelfrith, king of Northumbria (killed in battle)
* Anastasius, Coptic Orthodox Patriarch of Alexandria
* Saebert, king of Essex (approximate date)
* Agilulf, king of the Lombards (approximate date)
* St. John the Merciful (approximate date)
* Empress Liu Jingyan
* Empress Yuan Humo
* Yuwen Shu

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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