- San Gervasio (Maya site)
San Gervasio is an
archaeological site of thepre-Colombian Maya civilization , located at the approximate center of the island ofCozumel off the northeastern coast of theYucatán Peninsula . It is situated in what is now the state ofQuintana Roo ,Mexico . The ruins were once a hub of worship to the goddessIx Chel , the Maya Fertility Goddess. Pre-Columbian Maya people would travel to the site and make offerings at certain times of the year.Most structures have roofs less than 4 feet tall and include interior stone walls and exterior columns. Much of the shape of the structures and their roofs remain a mystery as they were enhanced by wood and straw when in their original condition. It is also speculated that further wood and straw huts surrounded many of the buildings, particularly the Plaza Central.
At the time these ruins were discovered by a Spanish landing party they had already been abandoned. It is likely that the diseases Maya caught following the introduction of Caucasian explorers made the support of a purely religious site such as this untenable. In the alternative, the loss of their native religion by the Maya and the introduction of
Christianity may have instead been the reason for the abandonment of this site.San Gervasio is a federal and state park of the
United Mexican States andQuintana Roo .The ruins and the various roads to and from each site are overgrown and there are numerous animals, particularly lizards of every size including
iguanas that reach over 4 feet long. As the roads are the only areas not completely shaded by the rain forest surrounding the ruins lizards sun themselves on the road throughout the park, and are relatively acclimatized to humans.Manita Structure
Meaning: Little Hands
Constructed during: Terminal-Classic (1000-1200 A.D.)
Location: Southernmost site
The Manitas was probably the residence of the Ah Huneb Itza Overlord of Cozumel. It has an outer room that was probably a residence and an inner sanctum that was probably his personal shrine. The name of the building comes from red-colored hand prints on the interior walls.
Chi Chan Nah
Constructed during:
Location: Adjacent, to the East, of the Manita structure
This building consists of an internal and an external room and is the smallest building at San Gervasio. Although the meaning and construction period of this structure is known it was not included in the brochure used to generate this page. The purpose of the site was as a location for the incineration of bodies after death and prior to burial. It is also speculated that sacrifices to the gods were performed here, usually consisting of animals but occasionally consisting of
virgin female humans. Whether this was the specific site or not is not certain; that sacrifices did occur on the island is certain.There are numerous grave markers in this area, possibly marking the graves of members of the family that resided in the Manitas structure.
Ka'na Nah Structure
Meaning: Tall House
Constructed during: Post-Classic (1200-1650 A.D.)
Location: Northwesternmost site
This is the largest single structure at San Gervasio. It was the center of worship to the goddess Ix Chel. As this is the most remote of all the ruin sites it is often covered in lizards. On the western side of the path to this site is a bench. Behind the bench are one of three holes in the ground that can be found throughout the ruins. These holes, called wells by the Mexican inhabitants, were artificially dug out by the Mayans for shelter, particularly from the heat, as the holes provided shade and the rock around the hole was cooler than the surrounding air.
El Arco
Meaning: The Arch
Constructed during: Post-Classic (1200-1650 A.D.)
Location: Northeast of Plaza Central, Northwest of Manitas and Chi Chan Nah
This arch is the main entrance from the north and west to Plaza Central. It is a simple arch about five feet tall that straddles the main road heading northeast from the Plaza.
Plaza Central
Meaning: Central Plaza
Constructed during: Post-Classic (1200-1650 A.D.)
Location: Southwestern most part of the site
Although the Ka'na Nah structure is larger, the Plaza consists of numerous small buildings in a square shape facing inward very similar to a Roman Forum. There are nine buildings in all, although it is theorized there were wood and straw buildings in the area and that the Plaza buildings themselves were larger than they appear today due to wooden extensions. Most of the wooden structures likely existed between the Plaza and the Manitas structure.
The Plaza buildings had varied purposes. The largest single building in the northwest corner was the large home of a wealthy noble family. For perspective, this large home consists of three rooms while most families shared a single wood and straw hut at the time. The other plaza buildings include storage rooms, shops and a couple temples.
Nohoch Nah
Meaning: Big House Structure
Constructed during: Terminal-Classic (100-1200 A.D.) and Post-Classic (1200-1650 A.D.)
Location: Northeastern most part of the site
This large circular building still retains its roof and a large central room. This building is the best preserved of the ruins and still has red,
ochre and blue coloration on the interior walls. The purpose of this building is the least well-understood of all buildings at San Gervasio. It is theorized it was the large home of a wealthy native family. However its isolated location, about 300 meters from any other structure, and its location nearest to where the Mayans would come ashore, causes some to theorize that this was something of an information center/store where the ancient Mayan version of "fast food" could be obtained. Nohoch Nah residents could exchange information with the travelers and take advantage of being the first to greet the pilgrims.The interior of building is not open to preserve the interior wall coloration but there are no doors, so the interior can be seen to a degree from the outside.
Meaning: Bats Structure
Constructed during: Late-Classic (600-1000 A.D.)
Location: Northeast of Plaza Central, Northwest of El Arco
This large structure is reminiscent of the Plaza. It contains a number of small buildings on the rise of a small artificial stone hill. The structures are more haphazard both in their construction and organization when compared with the Plaza.
This site was the first stone structure build at San Gervasio. Its purpose was a combination of the Plaza and Ka'na Nah sites; for shopping, storage, residences of the wealthy, and worship of Ix Chel. After San Gervasio became more popular the Plaza and Ka'na Nah sites were build later to support the greater demand of pilgrims.
The brochure provided by the park. The brochure includes the link [http://www.cozumelparks.org.mx] .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.