

An honorary position is an unpaid position. Other uses include:

* honorary title — awarded as a mark of distinction
** honorary citizenship — awarded to aliens who have rendered service to the state
** honorary degree — academic degree awarded to someone not formally qualified to receive it

* honorary authorship — routine listing of administrators as co-authors of papers describing research carried out in facilities for which they have responsibility
* honorary consul — an unpaid part-time diplomatic consul
* honorary society — whose members are elected for meritorious conduct

* honorary trust — a trust for which there is neither a charitable purpose, nor a private beneficiary to enforce the trust.

* Honorary Police — unpaid police force in Jersey

* Honorary Aryan — Nazi German title
* honorary whites — description of non-whites respected by white racists
* Honorary Guide — bestowed by Raëlian movement on non-Raëlians

ee also

*honor (disambiguation)
*The Honorable

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  • honorary — hon‧or‧ar‧y [ˈɒnrəri ǁ ˈɑːnəreri] adjective [only before a noun] 1. an honorary title, rank, or university degree is given to someone as an honour: • They made him an honorary member of the club. • She received an honorary doctorate from Harvard …   Financial and business terms

  • Honorary — Hon or*a*ry, a. [L. honorarius, fr. honor honor: cf. F. honoraire.] 1. Done as a sign or evidence of honor; as, honorary services. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 2. Conferring honor, or intended merely to confer honor without emolument; as, an honorary …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • honorary — I adjective commemorative, commendatory, dedicatory, enshrining, hallowing, honorific, honorifical, in memory of, in tribute, kept in remembrance, memorial, perpetuating, recalling to mind, serving to commemorate associated concepts: honorary… …   Law dictionary

  • honorary — [än′ə rer΄ē] adj. [L honorarius, of or conferring honor] 1. given as an honor only, without the usual requirements or privileges [an honorary degree] 2. a) designating an office or position held as an honor only, without service or pay b) holding …   English World dictionary

  • honorary — (adj.) early 17c., from HONOR (Cf. honor) + ARY (Cf. ary); possibly influenced by Fr. honoraire, L. honorarius pertaining to honor, honorary …   Etymology dictionary

  • honorary — *honorable …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • honorary — [adj] honorific celebratory, congratulatory, titular; concepts 668,689 …   New thesaurus

  • honorary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a title or position) conferred as an honour. 2) Brit. (of an office or its holder) unpaid …   English terms dictionary

  • honorary — [[t]ɒ̱nərəri, AM reri[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n An honorary title or membership of a group is given to someone without their needing to have the necessary qualifications, usually because of their public achievements. He will be awarded the honorary… …   English dictionary

  • honorary — adjective Etymology: Latin honorarius, from honor Date: 1568 1. a. having or conferring distinction b. commemorative 2. dependent on honor for fulfillment 3. a. conferred or elected in recognition of achievement or service without the usual… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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