- List of political parties in the Czech Republic
Political parties in the Czech Republic lists political parties in this country. The Czech Republic has a
multi-party system. Usually only few parties (cca four) are successful in parliament elections.The parties
This is a list of political parties in the Czech Republic. Only four parties have managed to so far keep in every Parliament since the Independence of Republic.
Parties in Chamber of deputies
Civic Democratic Party (ODS – "Občanská demokratická strana") –
*Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD – "Česká strana sociálně demokratická") – major left-wing party
*Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM – "Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy") – an heir of theCommunist Party of Czechoslovakia
*Christian and Democratic Union – Czechoslovak People's Party (KDU-ČSL – "Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová") – major conservative party
*Green Party (SZ – Strana Zelených) – centrist green partyOther significant parties
Parties with representation in one of the two chambers of parliament or the
European parliament
*Freedom Union-Democratic Union (US-DEU - Unie Svobody - Demokratická unie) - small liberal party
*Liberal Reform Party (LIRA - Liberální reformní strana) - other liberal party
*SNK European Democrats (SNK ED - SNK Evropští demokraté)
* The Independents
* Independents Democrats (Vladimír Železný )Other parties
Parties without parliamentary representation, incomplete list
*Czech crown (Monarchist party of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia) - (Koruna česká (Monarchistická strana Čech, Moravy a Slezska), KČ) - monarchists
*Czech National Social Party (Česká strana národně sociální, CSNS)
*Club of Committed Non-Party Members (Klub angažovaných nestraníků, KAN)
*General Civic Party (Všeobecná občanská strana, VOS)
*National Unity (Národní Sjednocení)
*Party for the Open Society (Strana pro otevřenou společnost, SOS)
*Party of Democratic Socialism (SDS - Strana Demokratického Socialismu)
*Roma Democratic Social Party (Romská Demokratická Sociální Strana)
*Vote for the City (Volba pro město, VPM)
* Common sense Party (Strana zdravého rozumu, SZR)
* Czech movement for national unity (České hnutí za národní jednotu, ČHNJ)
* Balbín's Poetical Party (Balbínovy poetické strany, BPS)
* Law and Justice (Právo a spravedlnost, PaS)
* the Czech Right-wing (Česká pravice, ČP)
* Helax -Ostrava is having fun (Helax – Ostrava se baví, HOB)
* Right-wing Bloc (Pravý Blok, PB)
* Moravians (Moravané, M)
* Humane party (Humanistická strana, HS)
* Coalition for Czech Republic - Democratic union (see above), Support of Volunteers Movement, Club of Committed Non-party Members,Masaryk 's Democratic Party, Independent Initiative, Work Party, Union ofbusiness men andentrepreneur s (Koalice pro Českou republiku, KpČR)
* National Party (Národní strana, NS)
* Folklor as well as Society (Folklor i Společnost, FIS)
* Equality of Prospects Party (Strana Rovnost šancí, SRS) - feminist partyee also
Index of political parties to browse parties by name
*List of political parties to browse parties by country
*List of political parties by ideology to browse parties by name
*Membership of internationals to browse parties by membership of internationals
*Liberalism in the Czech lands External links
* [http://www.mvcr.cz/rady/strany/index.html List of political parties registered by Ministry of Interior in Czech Republic (in Czech)]
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