

name = Lefteye flounders

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Scaldfish, "Arnoglossus laterna"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Pleuronectiformes
familia = Bothidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Arnoglossus" "Asterorhombus" "Bothus" "Chascanopsetta" "Crossorhombus" "Engyophrys" "Engyprosopon" "Grammatobothus" "Japonolaeops" "Kamoharaia" "Laeops" "Lophonectes" "Monolene" "Neolaeops" "Parabothus" "Perissias" "Psettina" "Taeniopsetta" "Tosarhombus" "Trichopsetta" See text for species.

Lefteye flounders are a family, Bothidae, of flounders. They are called "lefteye flounders" because most species lie on the sea bottom on their right side, with both eyes on the left side. A helpful reminder when trying to recall the family name for this fish is that "Bothidae eyes are on the same side o' dey head." FishBase family | family = Bothidae | month = February | year = 2006]


There are 158 species in twenty genera: [ITIS | ID = 172714 | taxon = Bothidae | date = 2 April | year = 2006]
* Genus "Arnoglossus"
** "Arnoglossus andrewsi" Kurth, 1954.
** Arabian flounder, "Arnoglossus arabicus" Norman, 1939.
** "Arnoglossus armstrongi" Scott, 1975.
** Spotless lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus aspilos" (Bleeker, 1851).
** Bass Strait flounder, "Arnoglossus bassensis" Norman, 1926.
** "Arnoglossus boops" (Hector, 1875).
** Brown lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus brunneus" (Fowler, 1934).
** Cape scaldfish, "Arnoglossus capensis" Boulenger, 1898.
** East coast flounder, "Arnoglossus dalgleishi" (von Bonde, 1922).
** Weak lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus debilis" (Gilbert, 1905).
** Long lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus elongatus" Weber, 1913.
** Fison's lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus fisoni" Ogilby, 1898.
** Imperial scaldfish, "Arnoglossus imperialis" (Rafinesque, 1810).
** Japanese lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus japonicus" Hubbs, 1915.
** Scaldback, "Arnoglossus kessleri" Schmidt, 1915.
** Scaldfish, "Arnoglossus laterna" (Walbaum, 1792).
** Large-crested lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus macrolophus" Alcock, 1889.
** "Arnoglossus marisrubri" Klausewitz & Schneider, 1986.
** "Arnoglossus micrommatus" Amaoka, Arai & Gomon, 1997.
** Mueller's flounder, "Arnoglossus muelleri" (Klunzinger, 1872).
** "Arnoglossus multirastris" Parin, 1983.
** "Arnoglossus nigrifrons" Amaoka & Mihara, 2000.
** Sharp-snout lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus oxyrhynchus" Amaoka, 1969.
** Many-spotted lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus polyspilus" (Günther, 1880).
** Rueppell's scaldback, "Arnoglossus rueppelii" (Cocco, 1844).
** "Arnoglossus sayaensis" Amaoka & Imamura, 1990.
** Witch, "Arnoglossus scapha" (Forster, 1801).
** "Arnoglossus septemventralis" Amaoka & Mihara, 2000.
** "Arnoglossus tapeinosoma" (Bleeker, 1865).
** Dwarf lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus tenuis" Günther, 1880.
** Thor's scaldfish, "Arnoglossus thori" Kyle, 1913.
** Waite's lefteye flounder, "Arnoglossus waitei" Norman, 1926.
** "Arnoglossus yamanakai" Fukui, Yamada & Ozawa, 1988.
* Genus "Asterorhombus"
** "Asterorhombus annulatus" (Weber, 1913).
** Bleeker's flounder, "Asterorhombus bleekeri" (Macleay, 1881).
** Angler flatfish, "Asterorhombus fijiensis" (Norman, 1931).
** Intermediate flounder, "Asterorhombus intermedius" (Bleeker, 1865).
** "Asterorhombus osculus" Amaoka & Arai, 1998.
* Genus "Bothus"
** "Bothus assimilis" (Günther, 1862).
** Pacific eyed flounder, "Bothus constellatus" (Jordan, 1889).
** "Bothus ellipticus" (Poey, 1860).
** Guinean flounder, "Bothus guibei" Stauch, 1966.
** Pacific leopard flounder, "Bothus leopardinus" (Günther, 1862).
** Plate fish, "Bothus lunatus" (Linnaeus, 1758).
** Mottled flounder, "Bothus maculiferus" (Poey, 1860).
** Flowery flounder, "Bothus mancus" (Broussonet, 1782).
** St. Helena flounder, "Bothus mellissi" Norman, 1931.
** Indo-Pacific oval flounder, "Bothus myriaster" (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846).
** Eyed flounder, "Bothus ocellatus" (Günther, 1880).
** Leopard flounder, "Bothus pantherinus" (Rüppell, 1830).
** Wide-eyed flounder, "Bothus podas" (Delaroche, 1809).
** Twospot flounder, "Bothus robinsi" Topp & Hoff, 1972.
** "Bothus swio" Hensley, 1997.
** "Bothus tricirrhitus" Kotthaus, 1977.
* Genus "Chascanopsetta"
** "Chascanopsetta crumenalis" (Gilbert & Cramer, 1897).
** "Chascanopsetta elski" Foroshchuk, 1991.
** "Chascanopsetta kenyaensis" Hensley & Smale, 1997.
** Pelican flounder, "Chascanopsetta lugubris" Alcock, 1894.
** "Chascanopsetta megagnatha" Amaoka & Parin, 1990.
** "Chascanopsetta micrognatha" Amaoka & Yamamoto, 1984.
** "Chascanopsetta prognatha" Norman, 1939.
** "Chascanopsetta prorigera" Gilbert, 1905.
* Genus "Crossorhombus"
** Blue flounder, "Crossorhombus azureus" (Alcock, 1889).
** Lord Howe Island flounder, "Crossorhombus howensis" Hensley & Randall, 1993.
** "Crossorhombus kanekonis" (Tanaka, 1918).
** Kobe flounder, "Crossorhombus kobensis" (Jordan & Starks, 1906).
** Broadbrow flounder, "Crossorhombus valderostratus" (Alcock, 1890).
* Genus "Engyophrys"
** Speckled-tail flounder, "Engyophrys sanctilaurentii" Jordan & Bollman, 1890.
** American spiny flounder, "Engyophrys senta" Ginsburg, 1933.
* Genus "Engyprosopon"
** "Engyprosopon arenicola" Jordan & Evermann, 1903.
** Bellona flounder, "Engyprosopon bellonaensis" Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1993.
** Cocos Island flounder, "Engyprosopon cocosensis" (Bleeker, 1855).
** "Engyprosopon filimanus" (Li & Wang, 1982).
** "Engyprosopon filipennis" Wu & Tang, 1935.
** Largescale flounder, "Engyprosopon grandisquama" (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846).
** "Engyprosopon hawaiiensis" Jordan & Evermann, 1903.
** "Engyprosopon hensleyi" Amaoka & Imamura, 1990.
** Hureau's flounder, "Engyprosopon hureaui" Quéro & Golani, 1990.
** "Engyprosopon latifrons" (Regan, 1908).
** "Engyprosopon longipelvis" Amaoka, 1969.
** Long pectoral fin flounder, "Engyprosopon longipterum" Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1993.
** "Engyprosopon macrolepis" (Regan, 1908).
** Olive wide-eyed flounder, "Engyprosopon maldivensis" (Regan, 1908).
** "Engyprosopon marquisensis" Amaoka & Séret, 2005. [cite journal | journal = Ichthyological Research | doi = 10.1007/s10228-005-0299-x | volume = 52 | issue = 4 | year = 2005 | pages = 373–378 | title = "Engyprosopon marquisensis", a new species of bothid flounder (Pleuronectiformes: Bothidae) from the Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia) | author = Kunio Amaoka and Bernard Séret]
** "Engyprosopon mogkii" (Bleeker, 1854).
** "Engyprosopon multisquama" Amaoka, 1963.
** Natal flounder, "Engyprosopon natalensis" Regan, 1920.
** "Engyprosopon obliquioculatum" (Fowler, 1934).
** "Engyprosopon raoulensis" Amaoka & Mihara, 1995.
** "Engyprosopon regani" Hensley & Suzumoto, 1990.
** Long snout flounder, "Engyprosopon rostratum" Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1993.
** "Engyprosopon sechellensis" (Regan, 1908).
** Seven pelvic ray flounder, "Engyprosopon septempes" Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1993.
** "Engyprosopon vanuatuensis" Amaoka & Séret, 2005.
** "Engyprosopon xenandrus" Gilbert, 1905.
** "Engyprosopon xystrias" Hubbs, 1915.
* Genus "Grammatobothus"
** Krempf's flounder, "Grammatobothus krempfi" Chabanaud, 1929.
** Pennant flounder, "Grammatobothus pennatus" (Ogilby, 1913).
** Threespot flounder, "Grammatobothus polyophthalmus" (Bleeker, 1865).
* Genus "Japonolaeops"
** "Japonolaeops dentatus" Amaoka, 1969.
* Genus "Kamoharaia"
** Wide-mouthed flounder, "Kamoharaia megastoma" (Kamohara, 1936).
* Genus "Laeops"
** Clear fin-base flounder, "Laeops clarus" Fowler, 1934.
** "Laeops cypho" Fowler, 1934.
** Philippine slender flounder, "Laeops gracilis" Fowler, 1934.
** Günther's flounder, "Laeops guentheri" Alcock, 1890.
** "Laeops kitaharae" (Smith & Pope, 1906).
** "Laeops macrophthalmus" (Alcock, 1889).
** Khaki flounder, "Laeops natalensis" (Regan, 1920).
** "Laeops nigrescens" Lloyd, 1907.
** Blackspotted flounder, "Laeops nigromaculatus" von Bonde, 1922.
** Small headed flounder, "Laeops parviceps" Günther, 1880.
** Longarm flounder, "Laeops pectoralis" (von Bonde, 1922).
** "Laeops tungkongensis" Chen & Weng, 1965.
* Genus "Lophonectes"
** Crested flounder, "Lophonectes gallus" Günther, 1880.
** "Lophonectes mongonuiensis" (Regan, 1914).
* Genus "Monolene"
** Slim flounder, "Monolene antillarum" Norman, 1933.
** Asaedae flounder, "Monolene asaedai" Clark, 1936.
** "Monolene atrimana" Goode & Bean, 1886.
** "Monolene danae" Bruun, 1937.
** Acapulco flounder, "Monolene dubiosa" Garman, 1899.
** "Monolene helenensis" Amaoka & Imamura, 2000.
** Pacific deepwater flounder, "Monolene maculipinna" Garman, 1899.
** "Monolene megalepis" Woods, 1961.
** Merten's moonflounder, "Monolene mertensi" (Poll, 1959).
** Smallmouth moonflounder, "Monolene microstoma" (Kuronuma, 1940).
** Deepwater flounder, "Monolene sessilicauda" Goode, 1880.
* Genus "Neolaeops"
** Crosseyed flounder, "Neolaeops microphthalmus" (von Bonde, 1922).
* Genus "Parabothus"
** "Parabothus amaokai" Parin, 1983.
** "Parabothus budkeri" (Chabanaud, 1943).
** "Parabothus chlorospilus" (Gilbert, 1905).
** "Parabothus coarctatus" (Gilbert, 1905).
** "Parabothus filipes" Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1997.
** "Parabothus kiensis" (Tanaka, 1918).
** "Parabothus malhensis" (Regan, 1908).
** Manyscaled flounder, "Parabothus polylepis" (Alcock, 1889).
** "Parabothus taiwanensis" Amaoka & Shen, 1993.
* Genus "Perissias"
** Striped-fin flounder, "Perissias taeniopterus" (Gilbert, 1890).
* Genus "Psettina"
** "Psettina brevirictis" (Alcock, 1890).
** "Psettina filimana" Li & Wang, 1982.
** Rough-scaled flounder, "Psettina gigantea" Amaoka, 1963.
** "Psettina hainanensis" (Wu & Tang, 1935).
** "Psettina iijimae" (Jordan & Starks, 1904).
** "Psettina multisquamea" Fedorov & Foroshchuk, 1988.
** "Psettina profunda" (Weber, 1913).
** "Psettina senta" (Ginsburg, 1933).
** "Psettina tosana" Amaoka, 1963.
** "Psettina variegata" (Fowler, 1934).
* Genus "Taeniopsetta"
** Indo-Pacific ocellated flounder, "Taeniopsetta ocellata" (Günther, 1880).
** "Taeniopsetta radula" Gilbert, 1905.
* Genus "Tosarhombus"
** "Tosarhombus brevis" Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1997.
** "Tosarhombus longimanus" Amaoka, Mihara & Rivaton, 1997.
** "Tosarhombus neocaledonicus" Amaoka & Rivaton, 1991.
** "Tosarhombus nielseni" Amaoka & Rivaton, 1991
** "Tosarhombus octoculatus" Amaoka, 1969.
** "Tosarhombus smithi" (Nielsen, 1964).
* Genus "Trichopsetta"
** Caribbean flounder, "Trichopsetta caribbaea" Anderson & Gutherz, 1967.
** "Trichopsetta melasma" Anderson & Gutherz, 1967.
** "Trichopsetta orbisulcus" Anderson & Gutherz, 1967.
** Sash flounder, "Trichopsetta ventralis" (Goode & Bean, 1885).


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