
Music Sylvester Levay
Lyrics Michael Kunze
Book Michael Kunze
Basis The life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Productions 1999 Austria
2003 Hungary

Mozart! is an Austrian musical, originally written in German. The original book and lyrics were written by Michael Kunze and the music and arrangements were composed by Sylvester Levay. The show is a new imagining of the struggles of the famous composer.

The original production was directed by the controversial opera director Harry Kupfer. It premiered on October 2, 1999, in the Theater an der Wien, and the final performance was on 7 May 2001. It ran for 419 performances, showing to approximately 420,000 patrons.



The production appealed especially to younger Viennese audiences. Subsequent productions have been mounted in:


The Vienna and Budapest productions released cast albums.[2]


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