972 was a year in the 10th century.



By Place


* Otto II marries Theophanu, Byzantine princess.
* Battle of Cedynia: Polish duke Mieszko I defeats the Germans.
* Boleslaus II the Pious succeeds Boleslav I in Bohemia.
* The monastery at the site of Peterborough Cathedral is rebuilt.
* Emperor John Tzimisces makes eastern Bulgaria a Byzantine dependency.
* A battle between Estonian and Icelandic Vikings in Saaremaa is described in "Njál's saga".
* Yaropolk of Kiev succeeds Sviatoslav I in Kiev.


* The Song Dynasty Chinese government attempts to ban the practice of cremation; despite this decree, the lower and middle classes continue to cremate their dead, until the government resolves the problem in the 12th century by establishing public graveyards for paupers.


* The Fatimids enter Egypt, where they establish the city of Cairo and the Al-Azhar mosque.
* Buluggin ibn Ziri is appointed viceroy in Ifriqiya, starting the Zirid Dynasty.

By Topic


* Pope Benedict VI succeeds Pope John XIII as pope.
* Saint Eadburga is canonized.


* March 27King Robert II of France (d. 1031)
* Al-Mawardi
* Ermesinde of Carcassonne, countess and regent of Barcelona (d. 1057)
* Fujiwara no Yukinari
* Fulk III of Anjou
* Pope Gregory V
* Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor
* Renauld I, Count of Nevers


* July 15Boleslav I of Bohemia
* September 6Pope John XIII
* Liutprand, bishop of Cremona and historian
* Sviatoslav I, Prince of Kiev

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