- Calypso (mythology)
Calypso (Greek: Καλυψώ, "Kālupsō"; English translation: "I will conceal"), was a
nymph and a daughter of Atlas who lived on the island ofOgygia inGreek mythology . Her name has also been listed among the list of theNereids , which would make her a daughter ofNereus . The latter classification in accord with her islands' proximity and association with the sea, as opposed to inland water.The fabled Greek hero
Odysseus was imprisoned on her island,Ogygia (believed to be the modern dayGozo ), for seven years. She desired to make him her immortal husband.Athena askedZeus to spare Odysseus of his torment on the island, as he wanted to go to his homeland. Zeus sentHermes , the messenger of the gods, to tell Calypso to release Odysseus. As Zeus was the Lord of the gods, she was unable to refuse him, although she did not wish to let him go. Odysseus eventually returned to his homeland of Ithaca, to be with his beloved wifePenelope who had been waiting for him for twenty years.According to Hesiod, Calypso bore Odysseus two children: Nausithous and
Nausinous . The island of Gozo, part of the Maltese archipelago, has a long tradition that links it with the mythical figure of Calypso.References
Homer . "Odyssey " V, and VII.
*Apollodorus . "Epitome " VII, 24.
*Hesiod . "Theogony " ll. 1017-1018.
*Lucian . The True History.
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