

"Domeykosaurus" (meaning "Domeyko lizard", after 19th century scientist Ignacy Domeyko) is the informal name given to an undescribed genus of dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous. It was a sauropod, more specifically a titanosaur. Its fossils were found in Chile by paleontologists David Rubilar and Alexander Vargas in 2003. At 40 percent complete, the "Domeykosaurus" fossil is the most complete example of any dinosaur found in Chile.

"Domeykosaurus" was 25 feet long and 6.5 feet wide, with the long neck and tail typical of titanosaurs. It was uncharacteristically gracile, with more slender limbs than are usually associated with its type. Paleontologists speculate that the herbivore most likely ate such plants as the araucaria, also known as the "Monkey Puzzle Tree", which is native to the area.

The intended type species is "Domeykosaurus chilensis".


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