Year 1477 was a common year starting on Wednesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.


* January 5 - Battle of Nancy: Charles the Bold of Burgundy is again defeated, and this time is killed. This marks the end of the Burgundian Wars.
* February 10 - Mary of Burgundy, the daughter of Charles the Bold, is forced by her disgruntled subjects to sign the "Great Privilege," by which the Flemish cities recover all the local and communal rights which had been abolished by the arbitrary decrees of the dukes of Burgundy, in their efforts to create in the Low Countries a centralized state.
* August 18 - Mary of Burgundy marries Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor in Ghent, bringing her Flemish and Burgundian lands into the Holy Roman Empire and detaching them from France.
* The Swedish University of Uppsala is founded.
* November 18 - William Caxton produces "Dictes or Sayengis of the Philosophres", the first English book printed on an English printing press.


* January 14 - Hermann of Wied, German Catholic archbishop (d. 1552)
* January 16 - Johannes Schöner, German astronomer and cartographer (d. 1547)
* January 25 - Anne of Brittany, queen of Charles VIII of France (d. 1514)
* February 3 - Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham (d. 1521)
* March 20 - Jerome Emser, German theologian (d. 1527)
* July 4 - Johannes Aventinus, Bavarian historian and philologist (d. 1534)
* "date unknown"
**István Báthory, Hungarian nobleman (d. 1534)
* "probable"
**Giorgione, painter in Italian High Renaissance (d. 1510)
**Girolamo del Pacchia, Italian painter (d. 1533)
**Lambert Simnel, pretender to the throne of England (d. c. 1534)
**Il Sodoma, Italian painter (d. 1549)
**Thomas Boleyn, 1st Earl of Wiltshire, English diplomat (d. 1539)


* January 2
**Franzone, assassin (executed)
**Gerolamo Olgiati, assassin (executed)
**Carlo Visconti, assassin (executed)
* January 5 - Charles, Duke of Burgundy (in battle) (b. 1433)
* January 6 - Jean VIII, Count of Vendôme
* August 4 - Jacques d'Armagnac, Duke of Nemours
* August 11 - Latino Orsini, cardinal (b. 1411)

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