The [http://www.pch.net/inoc-dba/ INOC-DBA] (Inter-Network Operations Center Dial-By-ASN) hotline phone system is a global voice telephony network deployed and managed by
Packet Clearing House that connects the network operations centers and security incident response teams of criticalinternet infrastructure providers such as backbone carriers,internet service providers , and internet exchanges as well as critical individuals within the policy, regulatory, internet governance, security and vendor communities.INOC-DBA is a closed system, ensuring secure and authenticated communications, and uses a combination of redundant directory services and direct peer-to-peer communications between stations to create a resilient, high-survivability network. It carries both routine operational traffic and emergency-response traffic. The INOC-DBA network uses
IETF -standard SIPVoice-over-IP protocols to ensure interoperability between the thousands of users and dozens of different station and switch devices. INOC-DBA was the first telephone network of any sort to provide service on all seven continents.External links
* [http://www.pch.net/inoc-dba/console.cgi?op=show_pubdir&list=user INOC-DBA directory of publicly-listed participants]
* [http://www.pch.net/resources/discussion/inoc-dba/archive/ INOC-DBA technical discussion mailing list archives]
* [http://www.pch.net/resources/papers/inoc-dba/inoc-dba-announce.pdf INOC-DBA announcement presentation in PDF format]
* [ftp://limestone.uoregon.edu/pub/videolab/video/nanog26/nanog26%20-%20102802%20-%20Peering%20phones.mpg INOC-DBA announcement demonstration in QuickTime format]
* [http://www.pch.net/about/news/pressreleases/pressrelease10.28.02.html INOC-DBA initial press release, October 28, 2002]
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