Frederick Sumaye

Frederick Sumaye

Infobox Prime Minister
name=Frederick Tluway Sumaye

order=9th Prime Minister of Tanzania
term_start =November 28, 1995
term_end =30 December, 2005
president=Benjamin Mkapa
predecessor =Cleopa David Msuya
successor =Edward Ngoyai Lowassa
birth_date =1950
birth_place =Arusha, Tanzania
party=Chama cha Mapinduzi

Frederick Tluway Sumaye (born 1950) is the former Prime Minister of Tanzania. He was Prime Minister since the first multi-party elections on 28 November 1995 until 30 December 2005. After leaving office, in 2006 he enrolled for a year as a mid-career student in the Edward S. Mason Program at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. [Brittney L. Moraski, [ "THE NEWS IN BRIEF: Former Tanzanian Prime Minister Coming to KSG"] , "The Harvard Crimson", July 14, 2006.]


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