- Entailment (pragmatics)
pragmatics (linguistics ), entailment is the relationship between two sentences where the truth of one (A) requires the truth of the other (B).For example, the sentence (A) "The president was assassinated." entails (B) "The president is dead". Notice also that if (B) is false, then (A) must necessarily be false. To show entailment, we must show that (A) true forces (B) to be true and (B) false forces (A) to be false.
Entailment differs from
implicature (in their definitions for pragmatics), where the truth of one (A) suggests the truth of the other (B), but does not require it.Dubious|date=March 2008 For example, the sentence "(A) Mary had a baby and (B) got married" implicates that (A) she had a baby before (B) the wedding, but this is cancellable by adding " -- not necessarily in that order." Entailments are not cancellable.Entailment also differs from
presupposition in that in presupposition, the truth of what one is presupposing is taken for granted. A simple test to differentiate presupposition from entailment is negation. For example, both "The king of France is ill" and "The king of France is not ill" presuppose that there is a king of France. However "The president was not assassinated" no longer entails "The president is dead." Presupposition remains under negation, but entailment does not.ee also
metaphorical entailment
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