

name = "Hulsanpes"
fossil_range = Late Cretaceous
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
subphylum = Vertebrata
unranked_classis = Maniraptora
classis = Aves?
genus = "Hulsanpes"
genus_authority = Osmólska, 1982
species = "H. perlei"
binomial = "Hulsanpes perlei"
binomial_authority = Osmólska, 1982

"Hulsanpes" is the name given to a monotypic genus of theropods, sometimes considered a primitive bird. First described as a dromaeosaur, it lived during the Late Cretaceous. Its fossil remains were found in the (probably) Campanian (roughly 80-71 mya) Barun Goyot Formation at Khulsan, Ömnögovi Province, Mongolia. The generic name means "foot from Khulsan", from the Latinized name of the type locality ("Hulsan") + Latin "pēs", "foot". The specific name honors Mongolian paleontologist Altangerel Perle.

The type species, "Hulsanpes perlei", based on a partial foot skeleton of an apparently immature individual, was described by Osmolska in 1982. Several features of the fossil are very primitive and dinosaur-like, but this might partly be due to the young age of the individual. Still, more material is needed before "H. perlei" can be assigned to any one lineage with certainty. Although usually considered an enantiornithine or other primitive avian initially, it looks somewhat like a miniature "Velociraptor mongoliensis" [Currie (2000)] . And though these traits are plesiomorphic, it might still belong to another, non-avian, maniraptoran lineage altogether [Norell in Currie (2000)] , perhaps being troodontid, perhaps dromaeosaurid. Pending a comparison with other more recently discovered taxa, all that can presently be said is that it is some sort of maniraptoran.



* (2000): Theropods from the Cretaceous of Mongolia. "In:" aut|Benton, M. J.; Shishkin, M. A.; Unwin, D. M. & Kurochkin, E. N. (eds.): "The Age of Dinosaurs in Russia and Mongolia": 434-455. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ISBN 052154582X [ PDF fulltext]
* (1982): "Hulsanpes perlei" n. g. n. sp. (Deinonychosauria, Saurischia, Dinosauria) from the Upper Cretaceous Barun Goyot Formation of Mongolia. "Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaeontologie, Monatshefte" 1982(7): 440-448

External links

* Dino Russ's Lair: [ "Hulsanpes"] . Retrieved 2006-DEC-12.

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