
* Anthony of Padua, patron saint of lost items, is canonized.
* Pope Gregory IX, driven from Rome by a revolt, takes refuge at Anagni.
* The first edition of "Tripitaka Koreana" is destroyed by Mongol invaders.
* 15 June - Battle of Agridi: Henry I of Cyprus defeats the armies of Frederick II.


* Arnolfo di Cambio, Florentine architect (d. 1310)
* Manfred of Sicily (approximate date; d. 1266)
* Bernard Saisset, Occitan bishop of Pamiers (d. 1311)


* July 18 - John de Braose, Marcher Lord of Bramber and Gower
* Michael Scot, Scottish mathematician and astrologer (b. 1175)
* Tolui, son of Genghis Khan (b. c. 1190)
* William III of Sicily (executed) (b. 1208)


* Aragon - James I King of Aragon and count of Barcelona (reigned from 1213 to 1276)
* Castile - Ferdinand III, the Saint King of Castile and Leon (reigned from 1217 to 1252)
* Navarre - Sancho VII the Strong King of Navarre (reigned from 1194 to 1234)
* Portugal - Afonso II, the Fat, King of Portugal (reigned from 1212 to 1233)
* Poland - Konrad of Mazovia is succeeded by Henry I the Bearded
* Japan - Emperor Go-Horikawa succeeded by Emperor Shijō
* Mongol Empire - Ögedei Khan, Mongol khaghan (reigned from 1229 to 1241)

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