Kamuta Latasi

Kamuta Latasi

The Rt Hon Sir Kamuta Latasi KCMG, OBE, MP, PC, (born 1936) is a political figure from the Pacific nation of Tuvalu.

Prime Minister of Tuvalu

Latasi was the Prime Minister of Tuvalu from 1993 to 1996. While many Tuvaluan politicians tend to avoid organizing themselves along partisan lines, Latasi is noted for his republican leanings, together with another former Prime Minister of Tuvalu, the late Ionatana Ionatana. These leanings for a while distanced Latasi somewhat from the constitutional link with the Crown.

Flag issue

One notable issue during the premiership of Latasi was the question of the design of the national flag of Tuvalu, which included a British Union Jack, reduced in size. In a manner which some Tuvaluans regarded as arbitrary, Latasi changed the flag to another design which omitted the Union Jack. Supporters of Latasi held that this measure symbolically distanced Tuvalu from the colonial period. This change, however, proved to be short-lived, since Latasi's successor (Bikenibeu Paeniu) implemented a reversion to the former design.

Personal Background

Sir Kamuta Latasi is a landowner and long-time politician.

His wife Lady Naama Maheu Latasi was also a member of the Parliament of Tuvalu.

peaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu; Knighthood

Since 2006 Latasi has been the Speaker of the Parliament of Tuvalu.

Despite Latasi's previous republicanism, he proved willing to accept a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II in 2008.

ee also

* Politics of Tuvalu

External links

* [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/court_and_social/article3127710.ece "Court Circular"] , "The Times", January 3, 2008 (announcing Sir Kamuta's knighthood and accession to the Privy Council)

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