Jordi Sabater Pi

Jordi Sabater Pi

Jordi Sabater Pi is a Catalan primatologist and world-wide specialist in ethology (the study of animal behavior) and the discoverer of cultural behaviors of several species, including the use of tools by chimpanzees. During the 1960s he discovered Snowflake, a very rare albino gorilla that used to live in the zoo of Barcelona.

He was professor of Ethology at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Barcelona and pioneered the study of animal behaviour and primatology in Spain. His line of work has been continued inside and outside the University of Barcelona by several of his disciples, such as Joaquim J. Veà Baró and Matthew Escobar Aliaga, and Montserrat Colell Mimó.

As a sign of his commitment to chimpanzees, and prompted by the finding of their proximity (both genetically and behavioural) with humans, and the threats hanging over their habitats, Sabater Pi once said that the decline in population and, in the case of some subspecies, their near extinction, was comparable to genocide among human beings. Since the early years of the XXIst century, professor Jordi Sabater Pi has clearly taken sides in favour of the protection and conservation of primates and he gives support to projects such as the Proyecto Gran Simio in Spain or Fundación Mona in Girona.


*"Etología de la vivienda humana: de los nidos de gorilas y chimpancés a la vivienda humana". Labor, 1985. ISBN 978-84-335-1739-5.

*"El chimpancé y los orígenes de la cultura". Barcelona. Anthropos. 1992 (3rd. edition). ISBN 978-84-7658-356-2.

*"Gorilas y chimpancés del África Occidental". México. Fondo de Cultura Económica. 1993 (2nd. edition).

*"Okorobikó. A biography of Jordi Sabater Pi" from Joan Tort and Pere Tobaruela, Editorial La Magrana / National Geographic (1st edition, December 2003) ISBN 84-8264-505-6

*"El traç de la natura". Jordi Sabater Pi y Xavier Duran. Edicions 62, Barcelona, 2001. ISBN 978-84-297-4835-2.

*Clark Desmond J.; Veá i Baró, J. J.; Serrallonga Alset, J.; Turbón Borrega, D. (2003), "Primates: origin, evolution and behaviour: homage to Jordi Sabater Pi", Edicions Del Parc Científic de Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-607-6636-0.

External links

* [ Special Collection: Jordi Sabater Pi] (University of Barcelona Library)

*Dr. Sabater Pi: Dibuix naturalista. Resource Centre for Learning and Research(CRAI),University of Barcelona. (

*Documentation CentreSabater Pi Collection (http://)

*Interview published in the educational magazine of Omnium Cultural Escola Catalana (http://)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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