Year 1736 (MDCCXXXVI) was a leap year starting on Sunday (link will display the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar (or a leap year starting on Thursday of the 11-day slower Julian calendar).

Events of 1736

January - June

* January 26 - Stanislaus I of Poland abdicates his throne.
* February 12 - Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor weds Maria Theresa of Austria, ruler of the Habsburg Empire.
* April 14 - The Porteous Riots erupt in Edinburgh after the execution of smuggler Andrew Wilson, when town guard captain John Porteous orders his men to fire at the crowd. Porteous is arrested later.
* May 8 - Frederick, Prince of Wales marries Augusta of Saxe-Gotha.

* May 26 - Battle of Ackia: British and Chickasaw Native Americans defeat French troops.
* June 8 - Leonhard Euler writes to James Stirling, describing the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula. He also solves the mathematical problem known as the seven bridges of Königsberg.

July - December

* July - Russo-Turkish War, 1735-1739: Russian forces under Peter Lacy storm the Ottoman fortress of Azov.
* September 7 - An Edinburgh crowd drags John Porteous out of his cell in Tolbooth Prison and lynches him.
* December 7 - Ben Franklin builds the first volunteer fire company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


* A French expedition led by Pierre Louis Maupertuis is sent by King Louis XV to Lapland to measure the length of a degree of the meridian, and proves that the Earth is flattened at the poles.
* "Real Arissona", namesake of the U.S. state Arizona, is founded in what is now that state.
* Isaac Newton's book "Method of Fluxions" is published.
* Thomas Bayes publishes a defense of Isaac Newton's calculus.
* Neustrelitz becomes the capital of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
* The Genbun era begins in Japan.
* George Hamilton, 1st Earl of Orkney becomes the first Field Marshal of Great Britain.
* Bushehr is founded in Persia.
* The use of a Bathing machine is first recorded.
* The Belgrade fortress is completed.
* The era of Kyōhō Reforms ends in Japan.
* A fire in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg burns 2000 houses.
* Fifty-three houses in the English town of Stony Stratford are consumed by fire.
* Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab writes the "Kitab at-tawhidt", marking the beginning of Wahhabism.


* January 7 - Andrew Adams, American judge (d. 1797)
* January 19 - James Watt, Scottish inventor (d. 1819)
* January 25 - Joseph Louis Lagrange, Italian-born mathematician (d. 1813)
* February 3 - Johann Georg Albrechtsberger, Austrian musician (d. 1809)
* February 29 - Ann Lee, American religious leader (d. 1784)
* May 10 - George Steevens, English literary critic (d. 1800)
* May 29 - Patrick Henry, American patriot (d. 1799)
* June 3 - Sir John Acton, 6th Baronet, Prime Minister of Naples (d. 1811)
* June 7 - Fermín Lasuén, Spanish missionary (d. 1803)
* June 14 - Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, French physicist (d. 1806)
* June 21 - Enoch Poor, American general (d. 1780)
* June 25 - John Horne Tooke, English politician and philologist (d. 1812)
* July - Juan Bautista de Anza, Governor of the Spanish Province of New Mexico (d. 1788)
* July 6 - Daniel Morgan, American pioneer, Congressman from Virginia, and general (d. 1802)
* August 26 - Jean-Baptiste L. Romé de l'Isle, French geologist (d. 1790)
* September 16 - Carter Braxton, signer of the American Declaration of Independence (d. 1797)
* September 15 - Jean Sylvain Bailly, French astronomer (d. 1793)
* October 27 - James Macpherson, Scottish poet (d. 1796)
*"date unknown"
**Robert Jephson, Irish dramatist (d. 1803)
**Pierre le Pelley I, Seigneur of Sark (d. 1778)
**Alexander Runciman, Scottish painter (d. 1785)
**Claudius Smith, American revolutionary (d. 1779)

: "See also ."


* January 31 - Filippo Juvara, Italian architect (b. 1678)
* February 7 - Stephen Gray, English dyer, astronomer, and scientist (b. 1666)
* March 16 - Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Italian composer (b. 1710)
* March 25 - Nicholas Hawksmoor, British architect (b. c. 1661)
* April 24 - Prince Eugene of Savoy, French-born Austrian general (b. 1663)
* April 30 - Johann Albert Fabricius, German scholar and bibliographer (b. 1668)
* September 16 - Gabriel Fahrenheit, German physicist and inventor (b. 1686)
* December 10 - António Manoel de Vilhena, Portuguese ruler of Malta (b. 1663)
* December 26 - Antonio Caldara, Italian composer (b. 1670)
* Ahmed III, Ottoman Sultan (b. 1673)
* Captain John Porteous, Scottish captain (b. c. 1695)
* Ch'en Shu, Chinese painter (b. 1660)

: "See also ."

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