- Bombacoideae
image_caption = Cortex of "Ceiba pentandra ", a member of Bombacoideae
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Eudicots
unranked_ordo =Rosids
ordo =Malvales
familia =Malvaceae
subfamilia = Bombacoideae
subfamilia_authority =Burnett , 1835
subdivision_ranks = Generasee text|Herbaceous or woody plants; leaves alternate,commonly palmately lobed, with small and caducous stipuules; hermaphrodite, actinomorphic flowers; calyx of 5 sepal united at the base, accompanied frequently by an epicalyx (involucel); corolla of 5 free petals; androecium of numerous stamens, typically with filaments fused in a staminal tube (column) that surrounds the styles; pollen smooth; ovary superior and pluricarpellate; fruits schizocarpous or capsular.
**Adansonia digitatabaobab .
*Bombax ; secretes sweet nectar, around the thorns, to feed colonies of wasps that drive away the predators
**Ceiba pentandra ; secretes sweet nectar, around the thorns, to feed colonies of wasps that drive away the predators
**Ochroma lagopus ;balsa
*Spirotheca "
Camptostemon " and "Pentaplaris " might more appropriately be placed inMalvoideae as might the tribeMatisieae ("Matisia ", "Phragmotheca " and "Quararibea ").Relationship to Bombacaceae
Some taxa in this subfamily were previously grouped under the now-obsolete family
Bombacaceae as recent phylogenetic research has shown that Bombacaceae as traditionally circumscribed (including tribe Durioneae) is not a monophyletic group.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.