PLEX is used as an acronym or as the word in a variety of ways:

* Plex, A single application instantiation distributed across several server partitions (or if an IBM mainframe, a Sysplex) or physical servers (a parallel plex, or if an IBM mainframe, a Parallel Sysplex)

* PLEX, or Prairie Lindy Exchange, an acronym used in various lindy exchanges in central North America.

* Plex (a.k.a. Plexapp), a software fork of XBMC Media Center for Mac OS X

* Com Plex, a 2000 album by The Helio Sequence

* Plex soldiers, a variant of the traditional rebel soldier, appear in the PC game

* Plex, a magic robot in the children's television show "Yo Gabba Gabba!"

* Googolplex, a large number but now since Google established business also makes reference to the enterprise, and also to the offices Googleplex

* Googolplex has given rise to "n-plex" notation

* Megaplex, a large theatre with many screens

* CA Plex, a software development tool that combines the techniques of model-based development, patterns and code generation to accelerate the delivery and maintenance of multi-platform, distributed business applications

* A programming language used by Ericsson for their AXE telephone exchange

* Supaplex, a computer game

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  • plex — PLEX, plexuri, s.n. Ţesut format din fibre nervoase sau din vase sanguine împletite nesistematizat între ele, care se află în diferite puncte ale organismului. ♢ Plex solar = plex care se găseşte în cavitatea abdominală, lângă stomac. – Din lat …   Dicționar Român

  • plex — in various usages, from L. plex , pp. stem of plectere to plait (see COMPLEX (Cf. complex) (adj.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • -plex — [pleks] combining form forming nouns a building, as a condominium or a film theater, consisting of a (specified) number of units or sections [fourplex, six plex] …   English World dictionary

  • -plex — plex: 1) [lat. plectere, plexum = flechten, verflechten]: Grundwort von Zus. mit der Bed.: »aus Teilen zusammengeflochten«, z. B. Komplex, Exciplex, Sphäraplex; 2) [griech. plé̄ssein = schlagen, erschüttern]: Grundwort von Zus. mit der Bed.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • plex|or — «PLEHK suhr», noun. a small hammer used for tapping the body in diagnosis and examination. Also, plessor, plesser. ╂[< Greek plêxis a stroke (< pl to strike) + English or, as in flexor] …   Useful english dictionary

  • plex|us — «PLEHK suhs», noun, plural us|es or us. 1. a network of nerve fibers, blood vessels, or lymphatics. The solar plexus is a collection of nerves behind the stomach. 2. Figurative: »a plexus of mutual rights. SYNONYM(S): mass; …   Useful english dictionary

  • plex — com·plex; com·plex·ion; di·plex; du·plex; mul·ti·plex; sim·plex; com·plex·ion·al·ly; com·plex·om·e·try; mul·ti·plex·or; plex·i·met·ric; plex·im·e·try; pro·plex; …   English syllables

  • -plex — a combining form meaning having parts or units of the number specified by the initial element, occurring originally in loanwords from Latin (duplex; quadruplex); recent English coinages ending in plex, esp. denoting structures with a given number …   Universalium

  • -plex — cvb aff. a combining form meaning “having parts or units” of the number specified by the initial element, occurring orig. in loanwords from Latin (duplex); recent English coinages ending in plex are probably in part new formations with this… …   From formal English to slang

  • -plex —    a suffix used to create large numbers. The number n plex is 10n, which is 1 followed by n zeros. Thus a googol is 100 plex, for example. The American mathematician Edward Kasner, who invented the googol in 1938, also defined a googolplex to be …   Dictionary of units of measurement

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