Science fiction comics

Science fiction comics

Science fiction comics began as early as the 1930s in US newspapers. They have since spread to many countries around the world, with the two largest publishers of this comic genre today arguably being the United States and Japan.

Early History

There have been science fiction comics since comic books began in 1938 when newspaper comic strips of "Superman" were published in collected form. Since then there have been comics based on science fiction of many styles including superheroes with a science fiction angle, comics featuring the space travels of "Flash Gordon", "Buck Rogers", "Dan Dare" and others.

In the 1950s, EC Comics had great success and popularity publishing science fiction comics of increasing sophistication, but were almost driven out of business by the wave of anti-comics feeling stirred-up among parents and educators by Dr. Fredric Wertham's book Seduction of the Innocent.

In spite of opposition, science fiction in comics continued through the 1960s with stories for children and adolescents. It began to return to the adult market again in the late 60s with the wave of hippy underground comics.

International Spread

Science-fiction comics have also been published in European and non-western countries. In the 1970s, publications such as 2000 AD featured a selection of regular comic strips with a Science fiction theme in Great Britain. Japanese manga featured science fiction elements very early. In the 1950s, Osamu Tezuka's "Astro Boy" was one of the first major science fiction manga. Other examples include the Polish comic "Funky Koval".

Current Developments

With the advent of the Internet, a number of notable science fiction comics have been published primarily online. Among the earliest science fiction webcomic was "Polymer City Chronicles", which first appeared in 1994. Other notable comics include "Schlock Mercenary", "Starslip Crisis", and "Fans!".

There are numerous science fiction Japanese manga being published. Examples from the 90's on include "Neon Genesis Evangelion", "Code Geass", and "Cowboy Bebop".

Notable Science Fiction Comic Creators

* The mangaka Osamu Tezuka (e.g. Astro Boy)
* Mangaka Leiji Matsumoto (e.g. Space Battleship Yamato and Galaxy Express 999)
* J. Michael Straczynski (e.g. Babylon 5)

ee also

* Science fiction graphic novel

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