Lucius Cornelius Scipio

Lucius Cornelius Scipio

Lucius Cornelius Scipio is the name of several eminent members of the family Cornelii Scipiones (gens Cornelia, stirps or branch Scipio). The most well known Lucius Cornelius Scipio was brother of Scipio Africanus and was accredited for the defeat of Antiocus III, the King of Syria, and his army at Magnesia in 189 BC. Among those illustrious Romans known by this short name (and so referred to by historians such as Livy) are:

*Lucius Cornelius Scipio, consul 350 BC, and the first known man with the cognomen Scipio to become consul. He may have been son of Publius Cornelius Scipio, consular tribune 395 BC, who was the first Scipio to be named in Livy as Master of the Horse to Marcus Furius Camillus.

*Lucius Cornelius Scipio Barbatus, consul 298 BC and patrician censor 280 BC; his tomb inscription provides many clues about the Early and Middle Republic. He was father of the following:

*Lucius Cornelius Scipio (consul 259 BC), and censor 258 BC; paternal grandfather of Scipio Africanus and the following:

*Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus, consul 190 BC, victor of the Battle of Magnesia (190 BC), who was degraded from the Senate by Cato the Censor. He was younger brother of Scipio Africanus and uncle to the following:

*Lucius Cornelius Scipio praetor in 174 BC. He was a son of Scipio Africanus Major, who was captured in 192 BC by Antiochus III but released sometime before the battle of Magnesia in 190 BC. (The accounts of this episode are confused.) His father's secretary, a Gaius Cicereius, helped him win a praetorship in 174 BC.fact|date=March 2007

Others known by the name of Lucius Cornelius Scipio included
*Lucius Cornelius Scipio Asiaticus Asiagenes, consul 83 BC, who was descended from Scipio Asiaticus. He and his adopted son were killed in exile by the adherents of Sulla.

ee also

*Scipio-Paullus-Gracchus family tree
*Cornelius, Scipio
*Scipio Africanus
*Scipio Asiaticus for a fuller entry on the second Lucius Cornelius Scipio
*Lucius Cornelius P.f. P.n. Scipio for a fuller entry on the youngest named Scipio.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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