

Bogud, son of King Bocchus of Mauretania (who was born about 110 B.C.), was joint king of Mauretania with his elder brother Bocchus II, with Bocchus ruling east of the Mulucha River and his brother west. Both kings backed the Roman general Julius Caesar in his struggle against the supporters of Pompey the Great in Africa (4945), and, on Caesar's victory over Pompey at Thapsus (on the coast of modern Tunisia) in 46, Bocchus was given control of much of Numidia taken from Juba. After Caesar had been assassinated in 44, the two Mauretanian rulers took opposite sides in the split that developed in the Caesarian forces. Bogud supported Mark Antony, while Bocchus stood by Octavian (later the emperor Augustus). About 38, Bocchus seized Bogud's territory while Bogud was campaigning in Spain and forced him to flee to Antony in the east. Bocchus then became sole ruler of Mauretania and was so confirmed by Octavian. On his death king Bocchus II willed Mauretania to Octavian in 33 BCE.He was married to Eunoë, who was supposedly one of Caesar's lovers.

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