Judge of Appeal

Judge of Appeal

The Judge of Appeal is a part time judge in the Isle of Man High Court who only sits in the Staff of Government Division, the appeal court.

The position was created by the Judicature (Amendment) Act 1918 which also amalgamated the offices of First Deemster and Clerk of the Rolls. The judge must be an English Queen's Counsel.

The current Judge of Appeal is Geoffrey Tattersall QC.

Judges of Appeal

*William Francis Griffin Taylor QC, 1918-1921
*Arthur Jacob Ashton QC, 1921-1925
*Sir Ernest Wingate-Saul QC, 1925-1928
*John Edward Singleton QC, 1928-1933
*Rt Hon Major Sir Harold Derbyshire QC, 1933-1936
*Robert Kingsley Chappell QC, 1936-1938
*Baron Morris QC CH PC MC, 1938-1947
*Sir Patrick Barry QC MC, 1947-1950
*Albert Dennis Gerrard QC, 1950-1953
*Neville James Laski KC, 1953-1956
*John Robertson Dunn Crickton QC, 1956-1961
*Daniel James Brabin QC, 1961-1962
*Rt Hon Sir Joseph Donaldson Cantley QC, 1962-1965
*Richard Martin Bingham TD QC, 1965-1972
*Lieutenant Colonel Sir Cecil Montacute Clothier KCB QC LLD MA (Oxon), 1972-1979
*Rt Hon Sir Iain Derek Laing Glidewell QC , 1979-1980
*Benet Hytner QC, 1980-1997
*Geoffrey Tattersall QC, 1997-Present

ee also

*Isle of Man High Court
*Clerk of the Rolls
*Manx Judiciary

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