Argiope mascordi

Argiope mascordi

name = "Argiope mascordi"

image_width = 200px
image_caption = "A. mascordi" female
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Arachnida
ordo = Araneae
familia = Araneidae
genus = "Argiope"
species = "A. mascordi"
binomial = "Argiope mascordi"
binomial_authority = Levi, 1983

"Argiope mascordi" is a species of orb-web spider found in Queensland, Australia. This the females of this species are smaller and less colourful than many other spiders in the Genus "Argiope".

Like many other spider species very little is known about their biology. However, they possess a couple of interesting characteristics that distinguish them from their better-known relatives. Firstly, whilst they exhibit female biased sexual size dimorphism the difference between males and females is smaller than in other species, mainly because the males are larger than many other "Argiope". Secondly, the web decorations in this species are different from those of other Argiope. Usually juveniles construct disc shaped decorations and the adults construct either a line (eg. "Argiope picta") or a cross (eg. "Argiope keyserlingi"). However, in "A. mascordi" juveniles construct a cross and adults construct a disc. The reason for this apparent reversal in decorating behaviour remains unknown.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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