cp=3rd century
c=4th century
cf=5th century



By Place

Roman Empire

* After the death of emperor Theodosius I, the Empire is re-divided into an eastern and a western half. The eastern half is centered in Constantinople under Arcadius, son of Theodosius I, and the western half in Rome under Honorius, his brother.
* Arcadius marries Aelia Eudoxia, daughter of the Frankish general Flavius Bauto.
* Alaric the Visigothic, general of the "foederati", renounces Roman fealty and is declared king, waging war against both parts of the Empire, and ending a 16-year period of peace between Romans and Visigoths.
* The Visigoths, led by Alaric, invade and devastate Thrace and Macedonia, impose a tribute on Athens, and then turn their sights on the West.


* The last Western satrap, Rudrasimha III, is defeated by the Guptas.

By Topic

Arts and Sciences

* Possible date that Ambrosius Theodosius Macrobius published his "Saturnalia".


*Saint Augustine becomes Bishop of Hippo Regius. His assignment is the reunification of the Roman Catholic Church in Africa, primarily focusing on the Donatist movement led by Primianus.


* Avitus, Western Roman Emperor


* January 17Theodosius I, Roman Emperor
* Ausonius, poet and rhetorician

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