clearance sale — ➔ sale * * * clearance sale UK US noun [C] (also clearance [C or U]) COMMERCE ► an event at a store, during which it sells products at a lower price than usual in order to get rid of them: »Save up to 60% on appliances during our storewide… … Financial and business terms
Clearance — Clear ance (kl[=e]r ans), n. 1. The act of clearing; as, to make a thorough clearance. [1913 Webster] 2. A certificate that a ship or vessel has been cleared at the customhouse; permission to sail. [1913 Webster] Every ship was subject to seizure … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clearance space — Clearance Clear ance (kl[=e]r ans), n. 1. The act of clearing; as, to make a thorough clearance. [1913 Webster] 2. A certificate that a ship or vessel has been cleared at the customhouse; permission to sail. [1913 Webster] Every ship was subject… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Clearance (Medizin) — Clearance bezeichnet in der Medizin das Entfernen einer bestimmten exo oder endogenen Substanz aus einem gegebenen Körpersystem. Diese spezifischen Leistungen werden von verschiedenen Organen erbracht. Bei der renalen Clearance übernimmt die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
clearance — s.n. (med.) Raport între concentraţia sanguină a unei substanţe şi eliminarea prin urină. [pron. cliărăns. / < fr., engl. clearance – epurare]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 19.12.2004. Sursa: DN CLEARANCE CLÍRĂNS/ s. n. raport între concentraţia… … Dicționar Român
clearance — 1560s, action of clearing, from CLEAR (Cf. clear) + ANCE (Cf. ance). Meaning a clear space is from 1788. Meaning approval, permission (esp. to land or take off an aircraft) is from 1944, Amer.Eng.; national security sense recorded from 1948.… … Etymology dictionary
clearance sale — clearance sales N COUNT A clearance sale is a sale in which the goods in a shop are sold at reduced prices, because the shopkeeper wants to get rid of them quickly or because the shop is closing down … English dictionary
clearance — [n1] permission for activity approval, authorization, consent, endorsement, goahead*, green light*, leave, okay, sanction, sayso*; concept 376 Ant. denial, grounding, refusal, veto clearance [n2] gap above something allowance, assart, defoliated… … New thesaurus
clearance — [klir′əns] n. 1. an act or instance of clearing 2. the clear space or distance between moving objects or mechanical parts, or between a moving object and that which it passes through, over, under, etc. 3. official, esp. governmental,… … English World dictionary
Clearance Sale — is a pricing game on the American television game show The Price Is Right . Debuting on the Season 27 premiere on September 22, 1998 (originally indended for September 21), it is played for three prizes, usually valued between $500 and $3,000.… … Wikipedia
Clearance — Clearance. См. Допуск. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов