

Infobox caste
caste_name= Velama
classification= Warriors and Peasants
populated_states= Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
languages= Telugu, Tamil
religions= Hinduism

Velama (Telugu: _te. వెలమ) is one of the older feudal castes or social groups in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. They ruled parts of Andhra Pradesh during 14th and 15th centuries.


The history of Velama's is as old as Telugu bravery. Military exploits of Velamas form an important part of Telugu tradition, history and folklore. The battles of Palnadu and Bobbili speak volumes about their martial spirit and chivalry.The lives of Gopala Krishna Ranga Rao (Ranga Rayudu), Rani Mallamamba and Thandra Paparayudu etc are synonyms of Telugu bravery.


Several conflicting theories have been postulated on the origin of this community:

According to Edgar Thurston, Russel etc., the martial social groups of Velama and Kamma share a common ancestry but got separated in the early medieval times [Caste and Tribes of Southern India, E. Thurston and K. Rangachari, 2001, Asian Educational Services, ISBN:8120602889] [Tribes and Castes of Central Provinces of India, R. V. Russsel and R. B. H. Lai, 1995, Asian Educational Services, p. 593, ISBN:812060833X] . The earliest occurrence of 'Velama' in inscriptions dates from Mid-Fifteenth century Nellore district.

The division of warrior clans of Telugu country into many castes commenced during the time of Kakatiya king Rudra I (1158-1195 CE). According to "Velugotivari Vamsavali" and "Padmanayakacharitra", texts written in medieval times, farmers (Kapus) became Kammas and Velamas ["Velugotivari Vamsavali", English Translation by N. Venkataramanaiah] ["Padmanayakacharitra", Sarvajna Singabhupala (in Telugu)] . In medieval times the term 'Kapu' meant a farmer or protector.

"..."kaalachoditamuna kaakateevarugolchi kaapulella velama kammalairi" (Telugu)

Badabanala Bhatta prescribed Surnames and Gothras of Velamas.

According to few historians, the warriors who migrated from Velanadu (part of present day Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh) to Kakatiya empire in 11th century came to be called as 'Velama'.

Velama and Padmanayaka

Kakatiya king Prataparudra entrusted the defence of Warangal to 77 Padmanayaka clans ["Prataparudracaritramu", translated by P. Ramachandra Rao] . Velamas constituted a significant proportion of the broader "Padmanayaka" group. According to Cynthia Talbot, Velama and Padmanayaka are not synonymous [Pre-colonial India in Practice: Society, Region and Identity in Medieval Andhra, C. Talbot, 2001, Oxford University Press, p. 191, ISBN:0195136616] . Velama and Padmanayaka were listed as separate 'Sudra' communities in "Bhimeswara Puranamu" [Musunuri Nayaks: A Forgotten Chapter of Andhra History, M. Somasekhara Sarma, 1948, Andhra University Press, Waltair] . Famous Telugu poet Srinatha (14th century CE), while describing the social divisions during his time, categorized Padmanayaka, Velama and Kamma in his "Bhimeswara Puranamu" [ "Bhimeswara Puranamu", Srinatha, 1-31 (in Telugu)] .

"....."andu padmanayakulana, velamalana, kammalana trimarga gangapravahambulumbole gotrambulanniyeni jagatpavitrambulai pravahimpachunda" - (Telugu)

In addition, an inscription in Telangana (1613 AD) stated one man a Padmanayaka and ascribed 'Velama' clan status to another [IAP, K-48] .

Pre-Kakatiya period

Palnadu Battle

Palnadu region is located in Guntur District of Andhra Pradesh. Dodda Nayudu and his son Brahma Nayudu served as ministers under Haihayas kings such as Alugu Raju ruling at Macherla. Brahma Nayudu strived for progressive and egalitarian ideals. Nalagama Raju and Narasinga Raju were ruling at Gurajala, a small town near Macherla. Nagamma, a widow and an orthodox minister, did not relish the progressive ideals of Brahma. In a cock fight, a popular sport of those times, Macherla lost to Gurajala. Brahma and his followers had to live in exile as part of the gamble. Subsequent to the return from exile tensions between both the kings led to the battle of Palnadu (1182 CE) at Karempudi village. Macherla was defeated, a generation of warriors perished and Brahma took to renunciation. Fact|date=March 2007

Kakatiya period

Ganapathi Deva Period (1199 – 1262 A.D.)

* Recherla Rudra, Commander-In-Chief (Senani) of Kakatiya king Ganapathi Deva's army.
* Recherla Raja Nayaka helped Ganapatideva in conquering parts of Kalinga, Vengi and Bastar.

Rani Rudrama Devi Period (1259 – 1289 A.D.)

* Recherla Prasaditya, along with other Reddi and Kayastha Nayaks (Gona Gannaiah, Jannigadeva, Tripurar, Ambadeva) help consolidate the position of Rani Rudrama against nobles and her step-brothers.

Prataparudra II Period (1289 – 1323 A.D.)

Prataparudra II entrusted the defense of the Warangal predominantly to Velama Nayakas.

* Recherla Venna, along with other Nayaks (Pothuganti Maili), fought and cut short the expedition of Alauddin Khilji at Upparapalli (now in Karimnagar) in 1303 CE.

* Recherla Singama Nayaka established his own independent Kingdom with Rachakonda, now in Nalgonda Dist, as his capital.

Rachakonda Kingdom

Recherla Singama Nayaka, the first King of Recherla clan of Velamas, was closely followed by the Devarakonda Chiefs. Stories of his valour are still sung as ballads. His sons Anavota Nayaka and Mada Nayaka carried on his legacy after his assassination by Jallipalli Kshatriyas.

Devarakonda Kingdom

Eight kings ruled Deverakonda from 1287 to 1475 CE. Some of the kings who ruled Deverakonda Kingdom are:

* Raja Maada Nayudu II
* Raja Peda Vedagiri Nayudu (1384 - 1410 CE)
* Raja Maada Nayudu III (1410 -1425 CE)
* Raja Lingama Nayudu (1425 - 1475 CE), the last of the eight Kings.

* [ Devarakonda Fort]

Bahmani Period

Recherla chiefs of Rachakonda and Devarakonda served as vassals of Bahmanis after Musunuri Kapaaneedu was killed. Their descendents acquired Zamindaris (Samsthanams) in Mahboobnagar, Kurnool and Raichur Districts.

Vijayanagara period

Velamas who did not relish serving as vassals to Bahmanis migrated to Vijayanagar empire ["Velugotivari Vamsavali", Translated by N. Venkaaramanayya] . As this empire expanded some of the Nayaks were sent to places in southern Tamil Nadu like Madurai and Thanjavur.

Golkonda Period

Jetaprolu Samsthanam is a historic Samasthanam in the Nizam dominion in Telangana region. The Jetaprolu family gave rise to Rajas of Bobbili (Vizianagaram district), Pithapuram (East Godavari), Malleshwaram (Krishna District) and Venkatagiri (Nellore District).Fact|date=March 2007

British Period

#Raja Rao Venkata Gopala Krishna Ranga Rao - Raja of Bobbili of the battle of Bobbili fame
#Rani Mallamma Devi, wife of Ranga Rao and sister of Tandra Papa Rayudu. A brave woman, she wanted to fight the battle of Bobbili along with the men, rather than commit suicide or be killed by her own army. However, prevalent Velama customs mandated that she be stabbed by her own body guard as per the orders of her husband Ranga Rao.
#Thandra Papa Rayuducite web
title = The Tiger of Bobbili
publisher = The Hindu
author = B. M. G.
url =
accessdate = 2007-03-28
] was a valiant fighter and brother of Rani Mallamma Devi. He was away at the time of the battle, and avenged the killing of all his relatives by killing Vijaya Rama Raju of Vizianagaram. However, he had to kill himself, as did the two accomplices to his act, after they were surrounded by the combined forces of Vijaya Rama Raju and Busey

Post-Independence Period

Patronage of Telugu literature and culture

Velama rulers patronized several contributors to Telugu literature and culture.


The kings of Pithapuramu established literary organizations like the 'Andhrasahitya Parishattu'. Devulapalli Subbarayasastri, whose work included Ramarayavilasamu, Kumara Satakamu and who co-authored Ravuvamsamuktavali in Sanskrit and Telugu with Devulapalli Venkatakrishnasastri, was from Pithapuramu.

Other writers, and their work, included:
* Vakkalanka Veerabhadrakavi : Vasavadattaaparinayamu.
* Kuchimanchi Jaggakavi : Subhadraaparinayamu.
* Kuchimachi Gangana : Satakanttharamayanamu.


Scholarly families like Kotra, Kotikalapudi, Mandapaka, Mandavemula and Susarla flourished in this kingdom. Sir Venkateswarachalapatirangarao (1862-1926) supported many poets and funded the printing of several books.

* Kotra Balakavi : Vimalangi Parinayamu and Bhallanacharitramu.
* Kotikelapudi Venkatakrishna Somayaji: Tarakabrahmamu, Dilipacharitramu, Prabodhachandrodayamu and Meghasandesamu
* Mandapaka Peraya: Nirdoshtyadasaradhi Satakamu, Kumudvati Parinayamu and Indumati Parinayamu.
* Mandapaka Parvateeswarasastri: Krishnabhyadayamu and Radhakrishna Samvadamu.
* Mandavemula Venkataramaya: Kriyayogasaramu.


* Returi Rangaraju: Bhanumati Parinayamu.
* Mudumbi Ayyappadikshitulu: Vishnupuranamu.
* Velugoti Kumarayachendrulu: Sabharanjani, Manssakshyam.
* Gopinadha Venkata: Srimadramayanamu, Brahmavaivartapuranamu, Krishnajanmakhandamu and Brahmananda Satakamu,
* Tarkabhushanamu Venkatacharylu: Sringarakalpavalli.
* Tirumalasetti Jagnnadha: Halasya Mahatmyamu.The great "Poleramma Jathara" held from 19th century. Many Families of Vekatagiri from all over the world are participated in this famous Jathara. Every year it commence on Wednesday and Thursday after three weeks of Ganesh Chavathi.

ri Kalahasti

*Damerla Vengalabhupaludu : Bahulasva Charitramu.
*Damerla Ankabhupaludu: Ushaparinayamu.
*Lingaraju (Kumara Dhurjati): Kalhatimahatmyamu and Dvipada Bhagavatamu.
*Sishtu Sarvasastri: Amarukamu and Jnanaprasunambika Satakamu
*Kalatturi Vikrala Raghavacharylu: Vedasamrajyamu, Suryasiddhantamu and Vyakhyanamu.
*Damerla Venkatabhupaludu: Setukhandamu.The great "Poleramma Jathara" held from 19th century. Many Families of Vekatagiri from all over the world are participated in this famous Jathara. Every year it commence on Wednesday and Thursday after three weeks of Ganesh Chavathi.


*Venkatacharyudu: Indumati Parinayamu.
*Anivilla Venkatasastri Apparaya: Yasaschandrodayamu and Alankarasudhasindhumaheswara.
*Dittakavi Ramayogi: Rajgopala Satakamu and Mahisasuramardani Satakamu.
*Madabhushi Venkatacharya: Bharatabhyudayamu, Pushpabanavilasamu, Ramavadhuti Taravali.
*Venkatadri Apparao Bahaddur Ramadasu: Jyotirleela, Govardhanoddharanamu and Andhrashtapadulu.
*Duriseti Venkataramacharyulu: Anarkali.


*Ahobila: Kavisirobhushanamu and Kalindikanya Parinayamu.
*Pattabhiram: Malarajugudanarayanopakhyanamu, Vajrapanjara Satakamu and Syamantakopakhyanamu.
*Dittakavi Narayana: Rangaraya Charitramu.

Primary references

# Katten, Michael; Making Caste In Nineteenth-Century India: A History of Telling the Bobbili Katha & Velama Identity, University of California at Berkeley, USA
# Roghair, Gene H; 1982, The epic of Palnadu: a study and translation of Palnati virula katha, a Telugu oral tradition from Andhra Pradesh, India, Oxford University Press
# Talbot, Cynthia; 2004, Precolonial India in Practice: Society, Region, and Identity in Medieval Andhra (Hardcover), Oxford University Press
# Prasad, Durga; 1988, [ History of the Andhras Till 1565 A.D., Durga Prasad] , PG Publishers, Guntur
# [ A History of Telling the Bobbili Katha & Velama Identity] , Michael Katten, University of California at Berkeley

Other references

External links

* [ Padmanayaka Velama Web pages]
* [ Historical Leaders of Velama Community]
* []

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