George Barger

George Barger

George Barger (4 April 1878 - 6 January 1939) was a chemist. He was born to an English mother and Dutch father in Manchester, England. His main work focused on the study of alkaloids and investigations of simple nitrogenous compounds of biological importance. Barger identified tyramine as one of the compounds responsible for the biological activity of ergot extracts. He also made significant contributions to the synthesis of thyroxine and vitamin B1. Barger was awarded the Davy Medal in 1938.

Barger married in 1904 and had two sons and one daughter. He died at Aeschi, Switzerland.


* Regius professor of chemistry, University of Glasgow, 1938-1939
* Professor of chemistry in relation to medicine, University of Edinburgh, 1919-1937
* Professor of Chemistry, Royal Holloway College, University of London, 1913-1914
* Head of Chemical Department, Goldsmiths' College, 1909-1913
* Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, 1903-1909


* "Chemistry of Thyroxine - Constitution and Synthesis of Thyroxine", Charles Robert Harington and George Barger, The Department of Pathological Chemistry, University College Hospital Medical School, London, and the Department of Medical Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Biochemical Journal, 1927; 21(1): 169–183 [ [ Chemistry of Thyroxine ] at]


* "Britons discover synthetic thyroxin", T.R. Ybarra, New York Times, Sunday 12 December 1927

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