- 751
By Place
* Pepin the Short is elected as king of the
Franks by the Frankish nobility, marking the end of theMerovingian and beginning of theCarolingian dynasty.
* The Lombard kingAistulf capturesRavenna and theRomagna , ending the ByzantineExarchate of Ravenna .Asia
Arab ian armies defeat Chinese Tang troops in theBattle of Talas nearSamarkand .
* The Japanese poetry anthology "Kaifūsō " is assembled.
* Like the storm of721 , the storm of this year at the southern Chinese seaport ofYangzhou reportedly destroys over 1,000 ships engaged in canal and river traffic.By Topic
* The oldest surviving printed document, a
Buddhist scripture, is printed in Korea.
* Theodore succeeds Theophylact asOrthodox Patriarch of Antioch .
*Silla ministerGim Daeseong orders construction to begin on theBulguksa andSeokguram temples atGyeongju .Births
* Carloman, king of the
Franks (d.771 )Deaths
Childeric III ,Merovingian king of theFranks who was deposed byPepin the Short
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