

Interbrand, a division of Omnicom, is a branding consultancy. Interbrand was founded in 1974 as Novamark by John Murphy, a former employee of Dunlop, in London. Initially focusing on naming consultancy, Interbrand expanded and developed into a full-service branding consultancy with 40 offices in 25 countries. Interbrand has an extensive list of clients, with large corporations spanning many industries. [] [ [ `Interbrand's entry will give credibility to brand-building'] , Boby Kurian, "The Hindu", December 20, 2001. Accessed on line November 28, 2007.] Interbrand produces the weekly online magazine "brandchannel"Who|date=January 2008.

Interbrand provides various brand consultancy services, which led to their development of brand valuation.

Marketing success histories

In 1988, Rank Hovis McDougal (RHM) was under threat of a hostile takeover. Their management believed that the market was undervaluing a number of their assets, especially their brand assets. They therefore hired Interbrand to value their stable of brands. Interbrand's consultants developed a rough discounted earnings methodology to put a net present value on the financial benefit of owning the brandvague.

In 2008, Thomson completed its acquisition of Reuters with the roll-out of its new name, logo and identity system, which was created by Interbrand. They also hired Interbrand to develop strategy ensuring that its new brand expresses its business goals. [ [ A name to herald its merger: Thomson Reuters] , Ian Austen, "International Herald Tribune", April 14, 2008. Accessed on line June 27, 2008.]


Interbrand has refined its processing of contracts into a 5-step discounted Economic Value Added methodology. Interbrand releases an annual ranking of the best global brands by value in cooperation with BusinessWeek magazine. [ [ Interbrand: Best Global Brands 2007 ] ] [ [ Selling the soft and fizzy stuff: Interview: Rita Clifton, chairman, Interbrand] , Richard Adams, "The Guardian", November 1, 2003. Accessed on line November 28, 2007.]

Well-known brands that belong to clients of Interbrand include AstraZeneca, AT&T, BMW, Deutsche Telekom, 2002 FIFA World Cup, Imation, ING, Lexmark, Microsoft, MINI, Nikon, Nintendo, Nissan, Schindler, Sharp, SONY, Suzuki, Toshiba, TUI, UBS and, Xerox [ [ Xerox Hopes Its New Logo Doesn’t Say ‘Copier’] , Claudia H. Deutsch, "The New York Times", January 7, 2008. Accessed on line June 27, 2008.] Fact|date=January 2008.

= See also =

* BrandZ
* Superbrands
* CoolBrands (branding initiative)


External links

* [ Interbrand Corporate Website]
* [ Website of Interbrand Wood Healthcare]
* [ brandchannel] - online magazine about branding, produced by Interbrand

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