- Edward Asahel Birge
Edward Asahel Birge (
September 7 ,1851 –June 9 ,1950 ) was a professor and administrator at theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison . He was one of the pioneers of the study oflimnology , and served as acting president of the university from 1900 to 1903 and as president from 1918 to 1925.Birge was born in
Troy, New York . He received a bachelor's degree fromWilliams College in 1873. He moved on toHarvard University , where he studied underLouis Agassiz and was awarded a Ph.D. inzoology in 1878. While still completing his Ph.D., Birge was appointed an instructor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in natural history in 1875. He was later appointed as dean in 1891.Birge became known as a scientist and administrator. Birge served as dean, director of the [http://www.uwex.edu/wgnhs/ Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey] , and under President
Charles K. Adams , unofficial deputy to the president.In 1900, an ailing Adams left the university. Birge was named acting president in Adams' absence. He hoped to be named permanently to the post, but was passed over in favour of
Charles R. Van Hise in 1903 after a boardroom battle between university regentsWilliam F. Vilas , who favoured Birge, and GovernorRobert LaFollette , who favoured Van Hise. Birge remained dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.Van Hise died unexpectedly in 1918, and Birge was once again asked to serve as president of the university. This time he was formally named to the post, and served as president until 1925. He was regarded as an efficient administrator but was criticized then and later for refusing to make substantial changes to the university to adapt to the increase in students in the wake of
World War I .From 1921 through 1922, Birge engaged in a running debate with
William Jennings Bryan , who consideredevolution a heresy and labeled Birge an atheist in several speeches. Birge, a lifelong Congregationalist who had taught Bible classes for most of his professional life, wrote a pamphlet defending evolution as supported by the Bible.Birge and his close collaborator
Chancey Juday were pioneers of North Americanlimnology (the study of inland waters, such asrivers andlakes ). Together they founded an influential school of limnology onLake Mendota , as a component of the University of Wisconsin. Birge retired from the administration in 1925 but continued his limnological research until the early 1940's, primarily in partnership with Juday.He died in 1950.
Birge Hall on theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison campus is named for him.References
* Birge, E.A. Papers, 1897–1954. Wisconsin State Historical Society Archives.
* Sellery, G.C. "E.A. Birge: A Memoir". Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin-Madison Press, 1956.Further reading
title=Edward Asahel Birge
pages=141-142External links
* [http://www.library.wisc.edu/etext/WIReader/Galleries/Birge.html Images of Edward A. Birge]
* [http://www.library.wisc.edu/etext/wireader/WER0747.html Biography of Edward A. Birge at Wisconsin Electronic Reader]
* [http://archives.library.wisc.edu/chancellors/chancellors.htm Biographies of the chancellors and presidents of the University of Wisconsin-Madison]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.