Road skating

Road skating

Road skating is the sport of skating (inline skating or roller skating) on roads, much like road cycling.

Roadskaters often skate in tight packs, drafting each other and sharing the lead, which allows a pack to travel faster than an individual skater. The individual members of a pack use comparatively less energy than the lone skater traveling at the same speed. Even the lead skater in the pack enjoys an advantage from the drafting skaters behind.

While gliding downhill, an inline skater in a tucked position can achieve speeds that exceed the speed of a tucked cyclist. This is due to lower wind resistance. The rolling resistance is similar for a cyclist and a skater -- it is only when actively skating (i.e., in the skating stroke) that the skater incurs greater resistance. Skating is roughly 50% slower than cycling on flat ground.Skaters routinely achieve downhill speeds of 60 km/h, similar to cyclists. Compared to cyclists, though, skaters particularly suffer on uphills, when the drafting advantage disappears.

A skating paceline going down hills may easily achieve speeds faster than a cycling paceline of equal length. The reason is that the road skating paceline has a much more efficient draft effect. The draft effect in road skating is superior for three reasons: 1) each skater can be much closer to the person in front of her, whereas each cyclist is limited by the distance of the wheels; 2) each skater gaining inertia energy from being in the draft can translate this energy to the person in front of her by maintaining contact (usually by placing a hand on the lower back of the person in front); and 3) the skater has much less equipment-related aerodynamic drag than the cyclist.

For a list of current road skating events, see the [ Skate Calendar] and [ Roadskater.Net] .

Cross training

Skating (especially road skating) is much more like cycling than running in terms of the muscles employed. Cyclists and skaters commonly participate in each other's sports as cross-training. Runners often switch to road skating due to injuries associated with the impact of running. Many skiers use road skating for off-season and pre-season conditioning as well.

In addition, skating is an excellent cross-training activity for a wide range of other sports due to the lateral (side-to-side) motion involved in the skating stride. For instance, consider how much lateral motion is involved in racquet sports, football, basketball, soccer, etc. Despite this, traditional cross-training for these sports involves almost exclusively linear activities: running, swimming, cycling, leg presses, leg curls, etc. While research needs to be done to confirm and measure the effects, it seems likely that incorporating skating into cross training programs would reduce injuries and improve muscle-specific conditioning for sports that involve lateral motion.


Road skating in a pack has some common rules that most skaters follow.Such rules include skating in single file except when passing or movinginto the back of the pack, rotational "pulling" in the front of the packto shield the rest of the pack from the wind, and signaling about roadconditions, hazards and alike to skaters in the back of the pack. Single-file skating in a pack is mostly dictated by the need to minimize theimpact of air resistance on the pack, thus shielding from the windbehind the back of the first person who is "pulling" the pack. "Pulling"is associated with up to 30% higher energy exertion; thus, it isgenerally accepted that skaters rotate through "pulls," allowing forequal energy exertion through the pack. A skater who has finished"pulling" steps out of the pack and slowly moves into the back of thepack. The skater in front of the pack has a better view of the roadahead and points and calls out road hazards (holes, cracks, waterpuddles, cars, etc.).

kating in Traffic

Skaters obey the same traffic laws as cyclists when skating on the roads. This means that they skate in the same direction as traffic and use the same hand signals to indicate turns, slowing, and stopping that cyclists use. To indicate approaching vehicles, skaters may shout "car back!" or "car up!" Similarly, "bike back!" or "bike up!" may indicate approaching cyclists. Road Skaters (like cyclists) are expected to obey all traffic signs as well, which means coming to a complete stop at a stop sign or traffic light. This requires that the skater be able to stop effectively, using any number of braking techniques.

Road skating is as safe as road cycling when done responsibly. Like cyclists, skaters should always wear helmets. (Skaters may also opt for other safety equipment, such as wrist guards. Elbow pads and knee pads are less common among experienced road skaters but are still useful for those who choose to wear them.)

The legality of road skating is a gray area in most cities. Some cities, like Philadelphia, explicitly allow road skating. Other areas have tried to outlaw it, considering speed skates to fall under a "toy ordinance" meant to keep toys off the roads (and thus treat skaters as pedestrians).

treet Skating

Street skating is the practice of roller skating (commonly on inline skates or quad skates) in groups on public roads. Street skates can be formal affairs, with prespecified routes, marshals and, at times, police escorts or ad hoc gatherings of like minded individuals.

There are organised street skates in a number of cities around the world. Some of the largest are in Paris, Munich and Berlin. London also has an active street skating scene and a smaller scene can be found in Nottingham.

Friday Night Skate

A Friday Night Skate (often abbreviated to FNS) is group skate occurring on Friday nights, a common night for a street skate in many cities throughout the world.

External links

* [ Street skates in London, from OpenGuides]

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