

ReDim, short for re-dimension, is a Visual Basic function that is used to resize arrays. By using this function you can add or remove space from an array. This function can only be used on arrays that are declared "without" dimensions. [ [ ReDim Statement (Visual Basic)] ]

For example, in the following declaration

The Preserve keyword is used to keep the data in an array intact. The syntax is as follows:

ReDim MyArray(3)
ReDim Preserve MyArray(3)

For arrays of multiple dimensions, you can only ReDim the latest dimension after the array has been redimensioned once, and your initial declaration must match the number of dimensions you want to use.

This works:Dim MyArray(,)
ReDim MyArray(1, 3)
ReDim MyArray(1, 4)

This does not work:Dim MyArray()
ReDim MyArray(1, 3)

This does not work:Dim MyArray(,)
ReDim MyArray(1, 3)
ReDim MyArray(2, 3)


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