ESISAR (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Systèmes Industriels Avancés Rhone-Alpes) is an engineering school of the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.

Higher Institute of Engineering in Advanced Industrial Systems in the Rhône-Alpes Region

The Grenoble National Institute of Technology (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble) INPG has 9 schools - [] ESISAR being the mostrecent. Each year it confers1000 degrees in engineering,300 Master's degreesas well as 200 PhD theses.It has 31 researchlaboratories which areassociated with the CNRS(the French NationalScientific Research Centre).

ESISAR opened its doors in 1995 to satisfy a new need expressed by many firms: tohave engineers mastering all the abilities required to achieve and to putinto operation advanced systems, inparticular electronics, automation andindustrial information technology.In fact, Advanced Systems constitute the future of the industry. Theyallow the more rapid creation of newproducts (analysis & design), manufacturing at a lower cost while insuring good quality (regulation and aconstant supervision of the processes)and they make them distinct fromcompeting products - `smart' itemsand innovative functions, forexample.

With this ambition in mind, ESISARwas born from a unique alliance inFrance - Grenoble University ofTechnology (INPG), the leadingFrench centre for the training of engineers and the CCI for the Drômeregion.

These two partners have developedan original teaching method, givingthe same value to the classic teachings of an engineering school as tothe realities of the industrial world.ESISAR is, for example, the onlyschool which offers fourth year students the opportunity to complete anindustrial project, carried out for aclient company which defines thecontent.The INPG/ESISAR engineeringdiploma was entitled and certifiedby the National Commission inNovember 1994.

First and second years: practical work from the beginning

At ESISAR students are in contact with the reality of the engineering field during thefirst two years: electronics, automation and computer science constitute36% of their programme. In the sameway, early apprenticeship of industrial skills (accountancy, marketing,project management, etc.) is given tothem and this continues for fiveyears. Mathematics and physics aretaught from the first to the fourthyear, and are considered as basic,necessary tools for technical disciplines. The first cycle has 684 hoursof mathematics and physics, and thethird and fourth years total 173 hours.

Year 3: a rigorously multidisciplinary approach

Today, as a result of economic realism and a desire for efficiency industrialists are looking for engineers with varied skills,rather than single skill specialists.This is especially true for the advanced systems which draw from avariety of technological fields.This is why ESISAR proposes amulti-disciplinary apprenticeship,carried out with constant concern forbalance. Electronics, automation,industrial computing and all industrial equipment, all benefit fromgenerous periods of study time.For the students who join the schoolin the third year, their cycle starts offwith six weeks of class on technicaldisciplines, while the students whojoined in the first year are on technical training. Therefore the differentlevels are harmonised.

Year 4: The industrial project, a baptism of fire

In this fourth year, completing the setting up of a work point on time, obtaining the expected results,managing a client relationship, are all operations the student-engineer hasthe chance of experiencing during asix-month industrial project.This project, commissioned by aclient company, is based on a feasibility study, a model or a prototype. Itcontributes to the creation of a product or a new function, with industrial stakes which are also imposed onthe student-engineers.Organised in teams of three, supported by an appointed study supervisor,they experience a stirring time forsix months. The knowledge they getis both pedagogical (a study of realmeaning, a project to manage) andprofessional contact with technologytransference. Some projects have ledto products which are highly commercialised today.

Year 5: learning how to link together and synthesise the knowledge

With the industrial project, the student-engineers have learnt how to use theirmany skills to carry out a project. Theteaching in the 5th year is conceivedin keeping with the same logic usingelectronics, computer science andother industrial techniques, withimportance attached to synthesis,effective "pooling" of knowledge andthe deepening of scientific understanding.After following a common programme, the student engineerschoose between two "in depth"modules. The ISE module - embedded computer science, is orientedtowards software aspects of advancedsystems. The ISD module - commandand integration of the systems anddevices, is oriented towards the material aspects.Conferences lead by industrialistsand researchers allow students tobenefit from high level coaching onthe "state of the art" in their futurefield of activity. The year ends with athree-month industrial project.

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