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  • çulk — cılk, büsbütün, dibelik. I, 349 § çulk esgürük (esrük);c ılk sarhoş, bütün bütün sarhoş I, 349 …   Divan-i Luqat-i it-Türk Dizini

  • Colin Culk — aka Colin Culky (Culkus) was a character in the UK magazine PC ZONE in the 1990s. He was the invention of PC Zone writer Duncan Mcdonald who had a quirky and irreverent column in the magazine this is where the character was first introduced. Culk …   Wikipedia

  • çalk çulk — itmenin çıkardıgı ses, I, 349 …   Divan-i Luqat-i it-Türk Dizini

  • çalk çulk kılmak — itmek, çarpmak I, 349 …   Divan-i Luqat-i it-Türk Dizini

  • Inculk — In*culk v. t. [Cf. F. inculquer. See {Inculcate}.] To inculcate. [Obs.] Sir T. More. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • — zēng (1)  ㄗㄥˉ (2) 玉貌。 (3) 郑码: CULK, U: 7494, GBK: AD51 (4) 笔画数: 16, 部首: ??, 笔顺编号: 1121432524312511 …   International standard chinese characters dictionary

  • — sì (1)  ㄙˋ (2) 见 驷 。 (3) 郑码: CULK, U: 99DF, GBK: F186 (4) 笔画数: 15, 部首: 馬, 笔顺编号: 121125444425351 …   International standard chinese characters dictionary

  • — céng (1)  ㄘㄥˊ (2) 膝下白色的马。 (3) 郑码: CULK, U: 9A53, GBK: F29A (4) 笔画数: 22, 部首: 馬, 笔顺编号: 1211254444432524312511 …   International standard chinese characters dictionary

  • LUSTIG, ARNOST — (1926– ), Czech writer, screenwriter, and journalist. Born in Prague, Lustig was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp in 1942 and later to a number of others, including Auschwitz and Buchenwald. At the end of the war he managed to… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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